Sunday 8 March 2020

Atlantis. Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation. Michael Tsarion

Atlantis. Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation. Michael Tsarion 


During the next ten years the human race is destined to finally discover the facts about its true origins and destiny. As part of this discovery we have to address the overwhelmingly important question of how the phenomena of evil came into the world and consciousness of human beings. This is a question that should be on the minds of every man and woman. 

It is a question that has been with us for millennia, and it will be with the children of the future if we do not come upon the answer now. We have left the question of evil in the hands of theologians and scientists for far too long. This was surely a mistake because, as the casualty statistics clearly reveal, the institutions of religion and science have been among the worst purveyors of evil this planet has had to endure. After centuries of prevarication and criminality, we can no longer afford to look to these institutions for answers to the all-important conundrum of evil. 

However, if we turn from religion and science, in this regard, does it mean we are left in a void? Are there better explanations for evil's existence? I believe our answers lie in the world's myths and legends. Of special interest are those intriguing accounts that speak of 'Fallen Angels'. According to several ancient texts, these strange beings were of physical rather than supernatural origin. They were also highly intelligent and technically advanced. 

In my text I address who the Fallen Angels were and why they came to Earth. I show that they established their headquarters on Atlantis, where they began genetic hybridization programs that lasted for centuries. The experiments conducted on our prehistoric forebears resulted in several hybrid creatures, one of whom I refer to as 'Homo Atlantis'. Every human being living today is descended from this exceptional hybrid being. Every one of us has both human AND alien DNA. The presence of this alien DNA has a direct bearing upon the presence of evil in the world. It is the reason for man's (humankind's) schizoid nature, and explains why millions have suffered and died from wars, plagues and heinous acts of genocide. 

In the first few chapters I show that our understanding of prehistory has long been subverted by fallacious theories such as Evolutionism and Darwinism. I emphasize that our prehistoric forefathers (foremothers) were not originally primitive. On the contrary, they were technically and spiritually advanced. The apparently backward creature put before us by historians was the traumatized victim of an Age of Catastrophe. As I show, there was nothing originally backward about the men (women) who BECAME primitive. In short, men (women) have not evolved, they have DEVOLVED. We are being RE-CIVILIZED. 

In later chapters I reveal that the biological and ideological descendants of the Fallen Angels are still in control of our planet. Their programs of technical advancement and mass control relentlessly advance as the shadow of the antihuman New World Order looms larger by the day. I reveal why man's (humankind's) technical expertise has progressed at the expense of his psychological development, and why there is so little resistance to the evil that proliferates. I explain why, in the back of our minds, we each have a memory of a time when life was peaceful and harmonious. 

I examine the fate of women and reveal why they have suffered atrocities through the ages. I believe they continue to be punished for a certain 'crime' committed thirteen thousand or so years ago. 

In my final chapter I offer simple solutions the age old problems that beset us. 

The age of answers has finally arrived. The time is right for the whole truth to come out. As I mention elsewhere, humankind stands at the junction of two diverging roads, each of which leads to a possible future. Down the first road lies the 'Global Village' of a posthuman dystopia. At the end of the second road stands the republics of Freedom, Justice and Truth. The gate to them stands open to anyone who chooses to walk through it. 

In the human republics, freedom MEANS freedom. There are no chains of iron or gold. There are no implants, RFID chips, surveillance cameras, secret handshakes or guard dogs. 

The malicious Machiavellian forces that seek to enslave humanity do not want the great republics of Freedom, Justice and Truth to be inhabited and enjoyed. They expertly use a multiplicity of cunning and effective ruses to barricade the road to humankind's true destiny. They work overtime to make sure that our minds are distracted, anxious and confused. 

For millennia the sorcerers have used physical force to invade, oppress and subvert. They have also employed subtler forms of invasion and colonization to further their perverted agendas. Nevertheless, in the present Age of Revealing we get a chance to break their programming and overcome the effects of mind control. 

Throughout this book I examine the motives of the world's elusive dictators and analyze the purpose for their tyrannical programs of physical and psychological oppression. This work, therefore, serves as a manual of war against evil 'principalities in high places.' It is dedicated to the Servants of Truth who in bygone days gave their lives to rid the planet of sorcery and wickedness. The world they knew was wrecked by disasters of unimaginable proportions, and today we face calamities of similar kind. Our citadels of light may also fall as those on Atlantis once did. In any event, the choice lies with us. The future will be built in our image. Progress or regress, evolution or devolution, order or chaos, rise or fall - whatever fate befalls - we make the call. 

Michael Tsarion 

"Let him who shall nourish and sustain us. 
What shall we do to be invoked, 
to be remembered in earth? 
We have tried with our first creatures, 
but we could not make them venerate us. 
So then, let us try to make obedient, respectful beings, 
who shall nourish and sustain us. 
The Popul Vuh 

Copyright 2011 

Dedications and Acknowledgements to 

Paulo Uccello 
Albrecht Durer
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky 
Ignatius Donnelly 
Augustus Le Plongeon
Comyns Beaumont 
Immanuel Velikocvsky
William Bramley