Tuesday 12 May 2020

CORONAVIRUS 2020: Christian Conservative Intelligence + The New World Order. Rev Danny Jones

CORONAVIRUS 2020: Christian Conservative Intelligence + The New World Order. Rev Danny Jones

......And we've watched this iniquity in our time. For at least the last 100 years, billionaire bankers and businessmen have been trying to sell the world on a One World Government. 

After World War 1 they tried to establish the League of Nations. That failed. And then, after World War 11, they established the United Nations and dumped billions of dollars into it to establish their New World Order. And we're almost there. So, do I think that the Coronavirus is a sign of the end of the world? I don't think so. But I do think this Covid 19 is a drill. It's a simulation. It's a dress rehearsal, if you will, to work out the bugs. And get all the nations prepared for this final world government. 

For the last three months, we've watched our globalist leaders manipulate us with the Marxist revolutionary technique, known as the Hegelian Dialectic. It's a very complicated, philosophical thing, but it can actually be salted down to about three points. And that is called Problem, Reaction, Solution. 

The way you change cultures is using Problem, Reaction, Solution. 

So these globalists cause a problem, albeit terrorism or pandemic or global warming or whatever they want to come up with. And then they wait for our reaction. Our reaction as people tend to be the same; Oh no, we're all going to die! Somebody do something! 

And then they have the solution. A pre-package, ready for us, using more government control of our lives. 

So, let's look at the timetable a little bit. Sometimes, it gets blurred with our twenty four hour news cycles that we go through, but let's look back at the timeline and see the changes that have occurred in the last couple of years, that's brought about our latest current predicament, which began, for us, on March 15 when President Trump declared a state of emergency for Coronavirus. 

Three years ago, November 8 2016, Donald Trump shocked the world, by winning the Presidency of the United States of America. He won this election by promising to make America great again. To put a stop to the globalist agenda, to close our borders and to quit paying dollar bills to the United Nations and Nato. Also to stop this man made global climate change hoax and stop the one sided trade deals. He said, I want international trade but it needs to be fair trade, not with America always being at the other end of the hook, there. 

So, once he started all this, immediately the globalist billionaire banking and business class turned on him, the press attacked him, the Democrat politicians and Never Trump politicians began trying to impeach him. That went on for about three years. Then, once that failed, the next move was Coronavirus. 

Now, in the past, it was usually David Rockefeller who was pulling the strings around the world on these globalist movements, but he died in March 2017. We never did think he would, but he died in March 2017 at 101 years old. And then of course there's George Soros. He always gets the blame. He's 90 years old. Right now, he's not having much to say but he is heavily invested in pharmaceuticals. 

And so it appears that Bill Gates is taking the lead in this billionaires club move towards a One World Order. 

One of the other elder statesmen of this...is Henry Kissinger, who is now 97 years old, and ever since I was a little kid, Henry Kissinger has been on the radio and TV, talking about his New World Order. Anyway, he wrote an op ed piece on April 3, rejoicing about how this New World Order would lead us to, how this Coronavirus would lead us to this New World Order, so he is so proud of Bill Gates, he said there. 

So, apparently, Bill Gates is the anointed one. He is one of the richest globalists today. He's co-founder of Microsoft, who is now working to give away his nearly 100 billion dollar through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. His pet projects are population control and vaccinations. His father was a board member for the abortion provider, Planned Parenthood who helped young Bill understand as he grew up, the need for global birth control to save the planet. Vaccinations strangely, by Bill, is considered a subset of population control. Bill has this theory that, if less babies died in infancy, then parents will want fewer children. And so he works all this vaccination and...through something called The Good Club. 

You can look it up on the internet. The Good Club is made up of other globalist billionaires like George Souros, Warren Buffet and Oprah Winfrey, the Rockefeller family, the Ted Turner Foundation, etc.

Two (three) years ago, on January 17 2017, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland - for those of you who are not aware of what goes on in Davos, they have this January meeting every year, where 3000 of the world's wealthiest people gather every year to figure out how to rule the world - Bill Gates, back in 2017, initiated a new working group called CEPI, The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations. 

It's a collaboration of the Gates Foundation, the governments of Norway, India, Japan and Germany. And two big pharmaceutical companies called Innovio and Moderna. They also included DARPA which is the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency, also known as the Mad Scientists of the Department of Defence. It also included the army, the US Army Medical Institute of Research into Infectious Diseases, that's the Mad Scientists of the Army, who work out of Fort Dietrich, Maryland. This CEPI began working on the next epidemic in 2017. 

Also, at Davos, Gates began working on a Netflix video called Pandemic. Now, as y'all know, I don't watch movies, but maybe I should have watched this one. It was released in November of last year, the plot of the movie was a Coronavirus that originated in a wet market in China. Leaving millions of people dead. 

Wow. What do you think? Is that a coincidence? Is Bill Gates a prophet? Or is it a plan? 

Last fall, October 28 2019, there was a pandemic exercise called -- at John Hopkins University. The exercise was conducted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and Michael Bloomberg's School of Public Health at John Hopkins University. And yes, that's the same Michael Bloomberg that tried to run against Bill, Donald Trump for President of the United States. 

The pandemic simulation predicted that the Coronavirus would have the same cure rate as the Spanish Flue of 1918 which caused around 65 million deaths worldwide, in an eighteen month period. 

It's also interesting to note that Dr George Fugaud, the Director of the Chinese Centre for Disease Control was involved in the simulation. At the same time, at the very same day, October 18 (2019)....the World Military Games, were being held at all places, in Wuhan, China. Ten thousand athletes from 110 countries, the United States delegation was about 300 people. 

Two months later, January 7 (?), China reports the Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan. January 21 - 24, was the annual 2020 World Economic Forum gathering in Davos, so the rich guys were back in Davos again in January of this year. And Bill Gates and his CEPI, they announced a Coronavirus vaccine programme. With partnerships, including Novio and Moderna and the United States National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases which is led by none other than Dr Tony Fauci, who is now the Chief Medical adviser to President Trump who you see on TV in these daily briefings we're getting. 

He's an interesting character because he wrote in March in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, that this Coronavirus was going to be a nothing, it was going to be similar to the seasonal flue. But when he went in front of the television cameras, he told American people that this Coronavirus was ten times worse than seasonal flue and may kill 2 million Americans and if we do nothing, it may still kill 200 000 Americans even if we shut down the country and 'Shelter and Place'. There's no known vaccine he said and it's going to take 12 - 18 months to get a vaccine even ready for trials. 

The question is, where did Dr Fauci get all those numbers from, where did he get the model of the 2 million people and the 200 000 people. Well, it turns out that that came out of the University of Washington, the Institute for Health, Metrics and Evaluation, which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. 

Before the thing was over in Switzerland, we had something going on at the United States ---. On January 24, the United States House of Representatives began drafting a Coronavirus stimulus bill called The Cares Act. Yes, the money that you got this past week and deposited into your account, actually started the legislative process on January 24 which is when we as Americans didn't even know there was any such thing as the Coronavirus until March but someone knew. 

So somebody in Congress knew it well enough that we were going to need relief, they started the Bill back on January 24. By the way, January 24 is also the same time that the Senate was getting an ultra secret briefing about this. And our new Senator, Kelly Loeffler all of a sudden had some changes made in her investment strategy on Wall St. 

January 30. The World Health (?).....launches a worldwide public health emergency for what they call a novel Coronavirus, even though at that time, there were only 150 cases in the world. Nevertheless they knew it was going to be an emergency. By the way, novel means newly discovered, means never seen before, means Covid 19 didn't just come crawling out of the woods. Kind of makes you wonder, where did it come from? 

January 31. President Trump orders a travel ban on anyone travelling from China. 4 days later, February 4, the centre for disease control decided not to use the World Health Organisations Covid 19 test kits. They didn't think they were good enough, that we had to come up with our own, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) made their own test and they were defective, so they had to pull them all off the market. CDC got out some new tests at the end of February, but then they were backlogged, it was taking 1 - 2 weeks for people to find out whether they had it or not. 

By the way, you might not remember this about my resume, but before the Lord re-arranged my life, I was planning to be a doctor. I was a pre-med major at the University of North Georgia, college, majored in biology, minored in Chemistry. So I went to the CDC website and looked at those test instructions, to see what all was involved in doing a Coronavirus test and listen to this, this is a quote from the CDC website, "a positive Covid 19 test does not rule out bacterial infections or co-infections or other viruses. Covid 19 may not even be the definite cause of the disease. Still, report all positive cases to CDC." 

Now, in layman terms, what that means is the patient may actually be sick of seasonal flue or pneumonia or ---. DNA from a swab from their nose or their nostrils, then you are going to report that to the CDC as a positive case. 

Well, one thing that does for you, is definitely pumps up the numbers to make sure that everything that happens out there in the medical field is a Covid 19 case. 

Well anyway, the next day, February 5, Donald Trump was acquitted on the charges of impeachment. All this time, we've been watching this news about impeachment and we knew nothing about this Covid 19 thing that was going on out there in the world. So, March 11, the World Health Organisation officially declared the Covid 19 a global pandemic. 

March 14. The Associated Press announces volunteers in Seattle were given the Covid 19 vaccine. Wait a minute. 

It was made by Moderna, where have we heard that name before, and it was approved by Dr. Fauci's National Institute of Health. And wait a minute, that's less than two months. I thought Dr. Fauci earlier said it would take at least 12 - 18 months to get a vaccine ready for trials. So, something's going on there. 

March 15. President Trump declares a state of emergency. In the United States for Covid 19. And that's when we begin the social distancing, standing 6 feet apart, no meetings for over ten people. 

On March 31, Bill Gates wrote an op ed in the Washington Post saying the United States missed the opportunity to get ahead of the Coronavirus so we need to shut down the US economy for at least ten weeks which would take us to the end of June. 

A week earlier, Bill Gates did a Ted talk interview, where he said that once people in the world learned to trust science to solve a pandemic, maybe they'll trust science to solve climate change. It kind of makes you wonder, where are we going with this thing? 

And so now we've moved on with our television narrative. Now the narrative is whodunnit. Where did this Covid 19 originate? Chinese leaders are saying that the United States military who attended the Military Games in Wuhan released it as a bio-weapon against China. American leaders are calling it the Wuhan virus and saying that the Chinese released it out of their virology lab up in Wuhan, in order to affect the world. The truth is probably up in there somewhere. But the trouble is, it's classified. And we will not know the truth for 40 years, until it's de-classified. And at that point, I will not care. 

Bottom line, this novel Coronavirus, Covid 19, is a manufactured crisis, designed to deceive people to accept a radically different world, then you and I are used to living in. Now, don't get me wrong, don't go out of here and misquote me. I'm not saying that people don't get sick with Coronavirus, I'm not saying that they don't even die with it. The only thing I'm saying is that according to the Centre for Disease Control, who keep up with all these diseases, in an average year in the United States, there are 39 million cases of flue. 39, that's ten percent, 39 million cases of flue. And between 30 and 60 thousand people die. 

And I've been living on this planet for 63 years now and we have never shut down the US economy over that big of a threat and that many deaths. 

But here we are, for some reason, the powers that be have chosen to shut down America, over Covid 19, which we've already said, they're cooking the books on it, but right now, they've only got 70 000 cases against 39 million cases every year, between flue and Covid, and also today, they've got it jacked up to 38 000 deaths but still, that is considered a low flue year. 

So, once again, why did we shut down the economy? 

I believe we are being deceived and manipulated. And the question is, why are we being deceived and where are we going with this? 

Well, according to the Prophet Daniel and the Apostle Paul, the mystery of iniquity is already at work. We're watching people, who have been deceived by Satan, because they rejected the Lord, Jesus Christ, and they're changing Christian customs and culture, traditions and laws all across our land, to prepare the way for a future anti Christ. I don't know if he's right around the corner, I don't know when the anti Christ will appear but nevertheless, the stage is being set. 

And we've seen a lot of changes. Just in the last month. Rahm Emanuel, the former Mayor of Chicago, and former White House Chief of Staff to President Obama used to say, "you never want a serious crisis to go to waste", and brothers and sisters, they're not wasting this one. We have watched our leaders transform this Covid 19 Coronavirus from being just another virus into a crisis. Into an epidemic, into a public health emergency, into a global pandemic. 

Now, I want you to stop, because we get caught up within the 24 news cycle, but stop and think about all the changes that we have accepted in about a month's period of time. 

We'll start off with the first thing that we had to do and that was to verify the power of the press. To make sure that those five corporations that control 90 percent of what we see and hear in the media, still have the ability to put everyone in a panic. Of course we are talking about CNN Time Warner, ABC Disney, Fox News Corps, CBS Viacom, NBC Comcast. 

These networks bring on experts, whose job it is to convince us that we need to give up our liberty, or we are all going to die. 

They bring on globalist experts who explain that global problems require global solutions. I've heard that a half a dozen times. Or sometimes, daily. They tell us that the world is too complicated for any nation. Even something as --- as the United Nations....we need a One World Solution to our problems. They bring on experts who tell us to quit being ignorant. Listen to science, listen to the experts, listen to the technocrats. They alone know how to fix pandemics, they alone know how to fix climate change. 

Another one of the great changes that we've seen, I've never seen in my time is called Social Distancing. 6 feet between individuals. No gatherings for more than ten people. Order people off the streets and confined to their homes. 

This is a trial run of Martial Law. It turns out that we didn't need Martial Law because most Americans submitted voluntarily. But governors that ordered up police, deputised government workers and deployed National Guard. Just in case, we the people, got sick and tired of this and we rebel. And to further add to the rumours of a police state, our governor in Georgia set up a telephone hotline so you can call and rat out your neighbours who are not complying with lockdown orders. 

That sounds more like Russia or China than the United States of America. 

The next big change is crashing the capitalist economy. Following these Social Distancing guidelines, we have watched 22 million Americans lose their jobs. We've seen the Stock Market drop ten thousand points, we've seen our retirement savings vanish and go down the drain, we've watched the government take charge of the means of production, which is a classic definition of socialism. 

We get the government using executive orders, loans and grants in order to pick which businesses will win and which businesses will lose. 

Another big change that has come out of this is to make the Church irrelevant or should I say, more irrelevant than what we already were. 

In times past, when America went into a crisis, they would call the people of God to pray. That's not what we're hearing now. We're hearing we need doctors, we need scientists, we need people to tell us how to do this. We don't need God, we don't need churches and we don't need prayer. Churches are listed among non essential businesses. Pastors are not allowed to visit sick members in hospitals and nursing homes, the Christian tradition of hand shaking with the right hand of fellowship is forbidden. 

Churches are not allowed to assemble, which is a violation of our First Amendment right, Freedom of Assembly and Freedom of Religion, not to mention that it is also a violation of Hebrews, Chapter 10 Verse 25, which says, "Do not forsake the assembling of ourselves together." 

Our sermons and our Sunday Schools classes are forced online which means all of our words are being saved and stored in the National Security Agency new and huge Data Centre in Utah. Which is okay, as long as we have a government that is okay with Christianity is okay, but what if our New World Order government is more like China. Then our very own words will be used against us in a criminal trial. 

So, NSA, if you are listening, there it is.

So now, the government if offering free money to churches. Never mind the fact that they are using tax payers money to prop up churches who are --- in violation of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, as our Minister Derek --- often says, with the jackals come the shackles. Whoever takes government money, will ultimately take government regulations. And I don't think we want to do that in Northlake, at least, not on my watch. 

Another change. A cashless society, This is one of the globalist's dreams and has been for years, to get rid of cash and use digital currency to be able to monitor and control the flow of money around the world. 

Korea, which was one of the first nations outside China, to be infected with this disease, pulled in all their cash to sanitise it, because the World Health Organisation said cash was just crawling with Coronavirus. They required all their people to buy things with credit cards and their iphones. 

In the United States, Speaker Pelosi's first Corona Relief House Bill called for using digital dollars in order to give people their money that went out last week. You remember the Democrat House Bill didn't pass but the Republicans modified it and they did pass a bill that didn't have digital dollars in it. But we're already seeing it being pushed through the IRS...money going to the wrong people, on the wrong banks, some firemen I think in --- County, got a seven million dollar cheque last week. I mean it was strange, just to prove that it's not going to work that way, so now we have a Senate sub committee on banking that's working on the details of how to give any future money to Americans in digital money instead of cash. 

Speaking of the government giving out money, one of the goals of this New World Order is Universal Basic Income, where you get paid to do nothing. You don't have to work for money, the government gets to decide what you need. I guess, giving $1200 to every adult and $500 to every child was a good test run. Interesting article in Bloomberg news on April 5. "Spain is using the Coronavirus crisis to roll out its Universal Basic Income system. So, apparently, some of our nations know what's up with this. 

As Trump was signing in the $2 Trillion Relief Bill, he said the final cost of all these programmes would probably be $6 Trillion. 

Now, brothers and sisters, this may sound good for us to be getting all this free money but the thing you have to remember, is that there is no such thing as a free lunch. It will become due at some point. I believe that by the time we get to the November elections, the national debt will be over $30 Trillion. And just the interest on that debt will take up 15% of our Federal budget. Think about that. 15% of your tax dollars will be going to empower international bankers who are holding our debt. 

Now I could go on, but look at the hour. So let me conclude with another notice of change. This one happened around Christmas on December 23 2019, the prestigious Scientific American magazine reported that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and MIT, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology had developed a bio metric tattoo. Where a nano chip can be injected into. your forearm at the same time you're being vaccinated. Therefore your arm can be scanned to reveal your identity, your vaccinations, maybe even your medical records. 

The bio metric tattoo programme is part of a bigger plan called ID2020 that was also announced this January at the World Economic Forum in Davos, again sponsored by the Bill Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and several other billionaire organisations. These compassionate billionaires advertised this as a special tool to help poor children in undeveloped countries where in a crisis, when there is a war or a famine or something like that, they have to run to some other country and you know, they don't carry papers with them so you don't know whether they've had their shots or not, so all they have to do is scan their little forearm to know whether they have had their shots or not. Sounds very compassionate. 

But then you read on down the article. They also mention that these tattoos would be a great screening tool for people at airports, border crossings, schools, health care facilities, government buildings and sports facilities. 

Brothers and sisters, Second Thessalonians 2 7. The mystery of iniquity is already at work. Now, I know that those of you who are still watching by television and haven't turned it off yet, after one of my conspiracy theory prophecy sermons that I do from time to time, I'm often asked, "Well, brother Daniel, what do we do about it? I mean, you preach a sermon to scare us all to death but what can we do about it? Are there some politicians that we can call to stop this thing?" And the answer is, I don't think so. Because I think this train left the station a long time ago. 

The real question is not what can WE do, the real question is going to be, what do YOU do. If this Coronavirus makes its second or third wave around the world, like the experts are predicting, and the Bill Gates vaccine is magically --- and they offer you the vaccine, but in order to get the vaccine, you also have to receive the bio metric tattoo, will you take it? 

If not, you probably won't be able to go to work, or to school, or the grocery store, or to the bank. In the grand scheme of things, it will probably not be a non Christian thing, if you accept that tattoo, the vaccine tattoo, you'll probably be okay. 

But later on, if we carry out this philosophy to Revelation Chapter 13, it's not just about a vaccine, but when you are required to swear allegiance and be willing to worship the exalted leader of the United Nations or whatever the name it is called at that point, to prove your loyalty to the UN, you must take this bio metric tattoo. And if you don't take it, you won't be able to buy or sell or travel or get health care. What then? 

You're probably thinking, Daniel, this is a little extreme. I don't think this can happen. Sure it can happen, it happened before in history, even in some non 'techy' times. 

In ancient Rome, under the Roman Caesar Domitian, who happened to be in charge when John wrote the book of Revelation, he forced people to offer a sacrifice once a year of incense. It was just a little pinch, it was just a little bit, all you had to do was pitch it into the fire and say, "Caesar is Lord". That's it. And you're a good Roman citizen and life goes merrily along. But that was a problem for some folks called Christians. They refused to take the pinch of incense and pitch it in the fire, and they refused to say "Caesar is Lord". Instead they said "Jesus is Lord". And they and their families were thrown to the lions or given some other horrible punishment. We'll talk about that more next time, when we talk about Sardis, the persecuted Christians. 

Is this Coronavirus a sign of the end of the world? I don't know. But I do know we are 2000 years closer to the end, then when Paul wrote to us about it in 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2. My prayer for me and my prayer for you is Ephesians --- that is "Lord help me, Lord help my Northlake family to take up the whole armour of God, that we may be able to withstand an evil day and having done all to stand. To stand up, stand up for Jesus, 'til he comes." 

As we close, let me ask you, are you saved? You know Jesus Christ your personal saviour and Lord? Is he Lord of your life? 

Next question is, are you alert? Are you paying attention? One of the things that Jesus told us before he went to the cross, was to watch. Because all these things are going to happen in an hour when you do not suspect it -- all that comes as a thief. Are you putting on the whole armour of God? Are you praying for strength? Are you preparing yourself and your family for some difficult days ahead? Because as the Apostle Paul warned us, the mystery of iniquity is already at work. 

(I encourage you this morning in closing, to trust Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. If you've never --- received Christ and repented your sins and asked him to come into your heart and save you, won't you do that today? 

If you've been saved but never joined the church and taken that first step of being baptised, won't you make that commitment today? Maybe you want to join our church and find your place of service. You can make that commitment today.)

Rev. Danny Jones 
Northlake Baptist Church
Georgia. USA

(NAA = Negative Alien Agenda) 

For those who stubbornly seek freedom there can be no more urgent task than to come to understand the mechanisms and practises of indoctrination. 

These are easy to perceive in totalitarian societies, much less so in the system of brainwashing under freedom to which we are subjected. 

Noam Chomsky