Monday 18 January 2021

THE WAR FOR EARTH. False New Age Movement. The Liberal/Conservative to the Libertarian. Words by Ian Parks



"All looked good until I saw that you are calling upon the power of Archangel Michael....You may wish to read the following about what Archangel Michael actually is. Then reassess who you are giving your energy to: 

The Anunnaki - dominated New Age "Pseudo - Ascension" spiritual movement (most of it inspired by the "Templar Melchizedek" False Ascension Teachings of Annunaki's Thoth, pre-Emerald Covenant Enoch, "Archangel Michael and friends,", "Jehovah", "Maitreya," "Lord Melchizedek and Spiritual Hierarchy," The Urantia, etc....) 
inherently promotes a fear-based paradigm of "Light, love and pretend away the darkness (Everything is alright)" dogma.

The Illuminati races within the infrastructure of the covertly, metaphysically motivated Illuminati World Management Team, who serve as Fallen Angelic puppets, are being 'played on' and manipulated by fear of personal survival and a desire for acquisition of power, to prevent pain, and create personal pleasure. 

These are the same motivations behind the actions of the "spiritual" peoples of traditional New Age affiliation, who think worshipping an ancient book, or surrendering personal power to an external 'God', 'ET', 'Angel' or 'Channel' is the ultimate expression of spiritual development and will "make everything all right."

Fear, the "pleasure-pain principle" and disinformation are the common control elements by which the Illuminati and humans become easily misled into surrendering their power to something outside of themselves. 

Once this "outside source" has your power, compliance with the approval of that source becomes, implicitly, the only way to feel empowered. 

Archangel Michael

One of the most prominent expressions of the Alpha - Omega - Centaurian - Adromi Anunnaki - Drakonian - Necromiton Collective refers to itself as the "Archangel Michael" Matrix, a bio-neurological mass mind control program, run via the Alpha - Mega collective, that is literally "broadcast into earth's airwaves to unsuspecting channels" from parallel earth through the NDCG (Niburian Diodic Crystal Grid). 

The largest false DNA Activation - "Ascension" program is conducted by the "Alpha - Omega Templar Melchizedek Anunnaki - Drakonian Alliance (Alpha - Omega Alliance) and several other related Fallen Angelic collectives following the Omicron - Drakonian - Zeta - Illuminati "One World Order" dominion agenda.

False 12-strand DNA Activation Programs are geared toward "monadic reversal" - reversing the fire letter sequences in the human DNA templates to create reverse sequence 11-strand activation in humans, so human DNA will assist the Fallen Angel Mission of gaining control of earth's planetary shields and stargates on a reverse-11 activation (34-ccw/21 Niburian Merkaba) during the 2000 - 2017 Stellar Activation Cycle. 

Competing False 12-strand Activation Programs are presently being run via unsuspecting New Age and UFO movement "Channels and Contactees", by Jehovian "Bipedal Dolphin People", Anunnaki (Sirius A, Arcturian, and "Galactic Federation") and Pleiadian - Nibirian (Anu - Seraphim Aquatic - Ape - Hominid) Anunnaki Drakonian Reptile Hybrid Races. 

Fallen Angel and Illuminati Human Leviathan Races use the seduction of false claims of "easy DNA Template Activation" and false promises of Ascension without providing the details of the MECHANICS by which these dynamics naturally take place. 

If we know the mechanics we can direct when they are being intentionally misused to orchestrate anti - Christiac dominion agendas. 

The tacts of false "quick-fix claims" and false promises are coupled with false "sweetness and patronization", in which our egos are fed as we are told "what we want to hear" and "how great and beloved we are", while being covertly "railroaded right under our own noses." 

If we do not "fall for" the age-old "quick fix" and "ego-pat" seductions, we can avert Fallen Angelic and Illuminati manipulation tactics, and learn how things really work, so we become empowered to set ourselves, and assist others to set themselves, free. 

We can "active our 12-strands of DNA", (24-48 strands for Indigos) but it takes work, a labour of Divine Love, and it requires Divine Sacred Science Knowledge.    

DNA Template and Kundalini Activation do not occur via "wishful thinking" or "hopeful intention", they are processes of natural Bio-spiritual Creation Physics, which occur via educated, conscious direction of energy and genuine spiritual wisdom. 

There is a natural Divine Right Order of Energy Mathematics that govern the manifestation of consciousness in biological form, the mechanics of this order must be understood and appropriately applied if one expects to attain genuine bio-spiritual mastery. 

Ian Parks  

(Working with the Al-Humbhra Magistracy Councils)

(Via A Facebook Page Commentary)