Friday 18 February 2022

The Female Illuminati. Michael Tsarion


The Female Illuminati. The Sisterhood of Death Exposed. Michael Tsarion 

(Transcription from Truth Warrior. 2015)

......Any work that I am doing now, is absolutely a carry on of what I have done before. It's not really breaking any traditions, it's not really turning any U turns or anything like that. 

I looked at the whole Goddess Tradition thing in a programme I've done before on the Divination Programme and the whole Goddess Tradition, in which we looked at the whole role that women play in civilization, and deeply on the esoteric side, we look at that. 

Also, we looked at the crimes that have been perpetrated against women. Anything I am doing on the Female Illuminati, people need to be aware of it. I am no misogynist who just happens to be hacking away because I've got nothing better to do on the criminal history of Womankind. This is a very serious academic work, that draws on the books and writings of the greatest feminists, and the greatest female psychologists and so on. 

And also, in my work, I have written and presented many programmes on the positive aspect of the role of females in civilization in general. 

But as I moved forward in time, from the 'Atlantis' book, what I've done is honed in - like I've done with 'Trees of Life' for instance, that two volume work, on trying to focus on the more cardinal Secret Society ideology and symbology. Because all through my work, it's been a dilution, distillation, I should say, of this etymology and the symbolism. Getting deeper and deeper and deeper. You start with one thing. Then you perfect it and go further and further, and so the Female Illuminati is nothing more than a carry on, on that journey, into the symbolism and into the etymologies, wherever that road may lead, and like in 'Trees of Life', that was a specific work which honed in on some specific, very important, occult symbols that the Elite are particularly fond of. And that other people may not even know, are that important. 

So, this was a master work. Almost 700 colour pictures, incredible research in that book, and then after that was written, then the process carries on again. So, the Female Illuminati is, again, going down, looking deeper and deeper into the various symbolisms. And the etymologies in the esoteric tradition, to again, tease out more of this occult. 

For instance, why did the Merovingians really have long hair? Why do they worship the skull? You get deeper and deeper into the Masonic symbolism, their genes, their serpent, one could go on, on that very matter. Why is America symbolised by a statue of Liberty, which is female, why do the presidents sit in an oval office, which is female, all of this kind of thing. 

Moving, just taking stuff that I dealt with, in the 'Atlantis' book and then continuing to tease and find out what is really going on. And then, what happened was that the core of the 'Atlantis' book was of course this phenomena in prehistoric times of the Nephilim, you know, the Fallen Angels, coming to this planet, interfering with us on so many levels, genetic, which is one thing that happened. They cause us, the human consciousness to be fragmented. There were actually about four or five things that contributed to this, but one kind of selfhood, one kind of consciousness was destroyed and that's what we dealt with in the 'Atlantis' book of how that happened, who perpetrated it and so on, and I was using terms in it like the 'Nephilim' and you know, 'The Sons of the Serpent' and all of this kind of thing. And the 'Tree of Life' figured very heavily in that research. 

And as did the ancient texts that speak of this very thing, because this is not an invention of Michael Tsarion, you know, there have been great scholars who have looked at this before, especially the matter of the cataclysm, and they have also looked into the whole matter of 'off world' beings, living on this planet, or interfering with us in certain ways and...but what had happened was they had never never spoken of, what kind of consequence that kind of visitation may have had on consciousness itself. 

This was...only broached by one author, whom I have mentioned in my book called Jack Barranger, he was the only one. And I know Jack. And we've talked about this. And his book launched this for me. 'Past Shock'. A small book, but a key book for me, because it did address, briefly, this concept of what might have happened to the psyche of man (humankind). 

He (She) wasn't sitting in some armchair when this whole hullabaloo was taking place, he (she) was absolutely, mentally and emotionally destroyed.

And so, then that was the start-off point. But central to that came the different texts. The different legends of the ancient peoples, the native American people and other, they also speak of this. Sometimes, they do it in a more cryptic way, others do it more clearly, but then you move onto even Biblical scriptures, scriptures that are accepted by modern scholars from...for instance, the Book of Enoch, the apocryphal works, but you can even turn to the Bible itself. Genesis 6 which mentions the coming of these beings and so on. 

That was then, I noticed this in the 'Atlantis' book, that in the famous descriptions, of the coming of the Nephilim, they're not really specific or not on whether those Nephilim were male or female. They just sort of hinted that they were all male. Like Lucifer and what have you and his coterie. But other works, for instance, what about the presence of Lilith and these kinds of characters and then when you turn to the Sumerian prototypes, this is where things start getting really interesting. 

All of the Biblical, all of the stuff of the early creations that you read in the Bible, and the coming of the Nephilim and all of this interference that they're talking about and the presence of Lucifer and the presence of Lilith and the Tree of Life. All of that is so much more unpacked. In the proto-typical Babylonian-Sumerian stories, but they are including a bevy of women! Indicating that the gods were not just male, they were androgenous, and also there was women, bona fide women...not only trying to assist mankind (humankind), but also trying to deceive mankind (humankind). And all sorts of other tricks. 

So then you start to say, well okay, what do we get, then maybe this Nephilim were maybe bi-sexual, or they had males and females. Then you look to the Book of Enoch and something came up that I thought was even more order to investigate it at that point, when I was doing the 'Atlantis' book, it would take me off to millions and millions, all these diversions, with millions of other questions, and I just didn't want to do that. This was going to be my first book and there were so many interesting things, I am still getting emails today from people, saying, hey Michael, what about this and what about that, and I say, yeah, I know, I have my thoughts on that. I wanted to include it in the 'Atlantis' book but that would have just completely not been correct at that time. I needed to lay this down, that concentrated the readers attention on things that have happened on this earth and had to forgo, talking in speculative terms. 

Michael Tsarion