Thursday 26 May 2022





"Those that have the most knowledge, intelligence and conscious awareness of what is really happening in world events will have the most strategic advantage. Those that do not have access to accurate awareness of events or truthful knowledge, but instead are manipulated and deceived to believe false impressions and illusions, will be at a greater disadvantage." 

The psychological warfare approach of Divide and Conquer Tactics used by the Negative Alien Agenda (NAA) to condition anti-human values and erode integrity in the masses is called the Archontic Deception Strategy. 

The Archontic Deception Strategy is used to socially engineer the Death Culture, a culture of fear, dishonesty and deception. This is achieved through Pavlovian mind control conditioning that adopts extremely self-destructive behaviours as the standard model to guide human behaviour. 

Through conditioning these same behaviours repeat in mass media to manufacture Social Norms, it has produced a population of people that commonly display these Negative Ego qualities of fear, dishonesty and deception as an acceptable value system that guides their deepest motivations and interactions. 

People without a value system of Personal Integrity are easily corrupted and manipulated by mass Mind Control, producing unstable, erratic and destructive behaviours. 


To be able to understand the sociopathic sick mind of Archontic Deception (AD) systems, one would need to better understand the general attitude of an Archontic Deception infected human or non human (Negative Alien Agenda), as having little or no remorse or empathy. 

If a technologically advanced extra-dimensional race has decided to implement a gradual takeover of a planet and its inhabitants, what kind of strategy would it use? First they would look to how they could maximise the efficiency of the invasion process and reduce the expenditure of resources that they have to generate themselves. 

To achieve this goal the secretive infiltration of the core societal organisational structures such as: religions, medical, financial and legal systems, would be ideal to shape the value systems that generate reality belief systems they want to control. Through the engineering of a labyrinth of self-enforced enslavement policies, based on fear and intimidation among the earth inhabitants, they would achieve the use of minimal "off planet" resources by piggy backing on the earth-human resources. 

The people on earth would effectively enforce their own enslavement as well as enslave their own global human family by giving up their rights and their resources. This is very effective for takeover and invasion with minimal resistance or revolt by inhabitants who are unaware they are being invaded. 

One question to always ask is who is benefitting from this anti-human strategy? 

Look for the source infection at the root cause, not its symptoms. 


Sociopaths are masters at influence, Emotional Manipulation and deception. 

Very little of what they say actually checks out in terms of facts or reality, but they're extremely skilful at making the things they sound believable, even if they're just making them up out of thin air. 

Sociopathic people are masters at weaving elaborate fictional explanations to justify their actions. When caught red-handed, they respond with anger and threats, then weave new fabrications to explain away whatever they were caught doing. 


Divide and conquer the inhabitants of earth by generating secret societies that are heavily rewarded with earthly power by infiltrating and establishing Archontic Deception programmes and behaviours among their influencers, which is enforced through Mind Control by off planet Negative Alien Agenda. 

By establishing bloodline spiritual relationships in the ruling classes, these humans are indoctrinated at birth to believe their elite status through bloodline, and that their god of choice, an Alien False Father God, will protect them and their families in the Luciferian or Satanic ideology. 

To be an apostate of their ruling class secrets is punishable by torture or death. The main tool for human Divide and Conquer is generating war, economic terrorism, poverty consciousness, Blood Sacrifice, sexual abuse, Mind Control and Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), to steal physical and energetic resources, generating all its combined power to feed back into a centralised system of control. The New World Order (NWO). 


Indoctrination into the Archontic Deception Behaviours and their supporting organisations will require Mind control in repetition to repeat the regurgitation of dogma, and methods of intimidation to self-enforce those systems from human to human. 

This indoctrination must start at birth and be entrained by childhood for maximum conformity to accept Archontic Deception abusive behaviours and loss of personal dignity as a way of life. The goal is to start as early as possible to superimpose these Archontic Deception behaviours on babies and children. 

Introduction of the Victim-Victimiser abuser pattern as a Mind Control structure is implemented everywhere possible. 

When the baby or child is victimised by abusers, they grow up as adults that inflict abuse upon their victims, thereby switching their roles interchangeably. The indoctrinated and repeated patterns of abuse are cycled throughout and are medicated with mind altering and neurologically harming pharmaceuticals as soon as possible. 

The more advanced levels of the Victim-Victimiser programme is Satanic Ritual Abuse, which is more common than any sane person would like to know about. 


Sexual abuse and Sexual Misery are preferred by the Controllers Archontic Deception Strategy because it serves many purposes for torturing human beings of all ages into submission and ultimately, consciousness enslavement. 

Sexual Energies

The sexual energies can be stolen from the individual without their consent or awareness and used by the Black Magician or the sexual predator as a pain and pleasure reward system for classical conditioning automatic impulses and addictions that continue to carry out Archontic Deception Behaviours into the human culture. 


Vaginal or anal rape can yield harvested soul energies that are being siphoned during the act and consequently bound to the perpetrator, which may be human or a demonic entity that has conspired with the human, and committed the act of rape. 

For the Negative Alien Agenda, raping children is the most productive way to set up the siphoning of soul energy and to further create traumatic soul damage in the child. As that child grows into adulthood without addressing or spiritually healing the sexual trauma, they have the tendency to mentally and emotionally fracture, becoming an adult with dissociative, split or narcissistic personalities. 

Many raped children suffer from ongoing spiritual trauma that is generated from the soul bindings, made to demonic and satanic entities, that can be both human and non human. 

The most common soul binding that is used in child rape and Female Genital Mutilation in Satanic Ritual Abuse is the demonic altar of Moloch. 

The Nature of Sexuality 

The dissatisfaction with the nature of sexuality and the dysfunctional fears that are generated within destructive sexual relations, create misery, pain and torment for many humans on the earth. 

When Sexual Misery patterns are not healed and resolved, these spiritual traumas erupt into a great many mental and emotional deviations, such as unnatural perversions and fetishes which are the set up, to further control human sexuality through whatever means that are ultimately harmful. 

Spiritually abusive behaviours and self rejection disconnects the person from their Soul, and then the great void of inner pain grows to generate Addictions. 

Addictive behaviours are coping mechanisms to deal with unresolved pain and trauma, many times that trauma is seeded within the sexual energy centres of the person who is desperate to experience relief from ongoing personal anxiety and persistent pain. 

In many cases this unresolved trauma and pain creates a split personality that automatically leads into a double life or living in duplicity. The person may appear to be functioning normally or reasonably well in their day job, and yet behind the scenes, when they are alone, they are addicted to some kind of deviant behaviour, which is used as an outlet for the buildup of mental and emotional anxiety. 

This profile of person will reach a breaking point, in which their personal anxiety will explode onto the surface, in some cases, reaching the breaking point has seriously violent ramification, while others may act out their trauma without outer violence. 


The advanced level of Archontic Deception behaviours is that which is the realm of the Satanic Ritual Abusers. This level is in the caste system of Satanic priesthood, which is propagated by the Orion Group. 

These people and entities actually value the killing of children and believe in the necessity of child sacrifice killings if they can get away with it, without prosecution. Their most sick mind believes that the blood of a child is the most pure, and that they can extract vital essence and power from the blood sacrifice. 

When they want "more power" for material success or something to gain, or there is something to "cleanse", they believe cleansing it with a child's blood. Most commonly they will abduct a child, or a satanic family will give up their child to satanic ritual holidays. Orphanages are frequently pillaged for this reason. This is the most unbelievable, to the sane mind and loving heart, yet, we must know this exists in huge numbers to begin to protect the children of the earth from this sickness. 

Most commonly, children of extremely poor people are either used this way in ritual, or will be a sexual slave or prostitute to a satanic group of individuals. 

Child genital mutilation, child sex slavery, child porn, live sex with children on the internet is a billion dollar booming business. 

This is highly disturbing as we can see no one in government cares less about this global issue. We have to ask, who is benefitting from having sex with out children? It is not human. 


The Archontic Deception behaviour is to promote hatred of the female principle in women and men on earth in most anyway possible. 

The female principle of intelligent energy is the spiritual principle and intuition access of the higher soul bodies. 

To access the soul, one must access the heart through the feminine principle, whether in a male or female body. 

All humans from the electromagnetic energy level (aura) are both male and female principle energies. The female energies have been crucified on earth, to stop generating spiritual energies or female principle advancement in the current Archontic Deception systems. 

The Archontic Deception controllers are patriarchal dominators, and have varying degrees in the way they express misogyny. 

Treating women as sex objects or breeders, believing women are inferior intelligence, treating emotional intelligence and intimacy as a stupid waste of time, believing women have to be beaten down to show who is "boss", honour killings of raped women, wearing burkas, punishable by death are all examples. 

Many men believe this even if they will not publically express it, because they know it is considered politically incorrect. 

One may note that the majority of all serial killers, rapists, child pornographers, financiers, world rulers, secret societies are male. 

When we look to the token females in world power, they are not balanced female energies. They are women, propped up in the patriarchy, devoid of female principle energy, indoctrinated into the Archontic Deception Behaviours. 


So, the Big Five Archontic Deception Strategies to generate more Archontic Deception Negative Ego Behaviours and spread their anti-human value systems in the human public are: 

1. Divide and Conquer

2. Victim/Victimiser 

3. Sexual Abuse and Sexual Misery

4. Child Abuse and Child Sacrifice

5. Misogyny


The Core Archontic Deception Behaviours, designed to spiritually abuse and harm humanity, are generated from the above Archontic Deception Strategies:

1. Disassociation and Narcissism

2. Mental Rigidity

3. Emotional Fracturing

4. Carelessness

5. Deceitful

6. Dependence

7. False Reality Delusions 

8. Divided Competition


The antidote to Archontic Deception Behaviours is living in the Law of One and practising the God-Sovereign-Free Behaviour (GSF): 

1. Empathy and Compassion

2. Mental Openness

3. Emotional Stability 

4. Responsibility

5. Honesty 

6. Sovereignty

7. Reality Assessment 

8. Unified Cooperation 

Behaviours Discernment Guidine: 

Lets understand more about the Archontic Deception Behaviours and the Negative Alien Agenda Controller strategies, used to weaken Virtues and God Sovereign Free Behaviour, which allows for the Spirits of (Christos Sophia) Christ to thrive in the human race. 


We have discussed many times the main areas of mind control, in the form of psychological and biological warfare, used against humanity. 

The Archontic Deception Strategy is employed to get humans to succumb to ownership, by the invading species. The main strategy is to download the Predator Mind, which is their alien thought form, and hybridise the human body to accept these Archontic behaviours as normal and socially acceptable behaviours. The more reptilian genetics you carry, the more acceptable it is to you to deceive, manipulate, take advantage of the less privileged, and even kill, murder, rape, and have sex with children. 

Total ownership of human beings as personal property and the domination of earth resources are carried out using these methods: 

1. Negative Alien Agenda uses Archontic Deception Strategy as Global Policy for Mind Control Enslavement that is enforced by mostly alien hybridised Power Elite. 

2. Human Hybridisation Hosting Programmes for Multiple Reptoid Species, in understand and off planet bases. MILABS and related Secret Space Programmes, co-operating with Negative Aliens that intentionally deceive, manipulate and experiment on the public. 

3. Genetic Modification, Augmentation, Pleomorphic Diseases and Technological Experimentation with the human genome. 

4. Alien Machinery, Implants, Synthetic Timelines, Consciousness Traps, Psychotronic Warfare Technology, Artificial Intelligence, created from genetic replication and hoarding, of off planet advanced technology. 

5. Spiritual Possession and multiple occupants of the soul(s) to harvest life force for a variety of Negative Alien Agenda purposes, on and off planet. 


Psychological Warfare is the deliberate use of various manipulations, promotion and deception techniques, such as spreading propaganda and terror, to induce or reinforce attitudes that are favourable to gain strategic advantage over others, Sun Tzu, A Chinese Military Strategist, originally said that the best victory in warfare is the one in which you never have to fight your enemy in actual combat. 

In the past, such Machiavellian schemes were thought to portray the devious behaviour of criminals and despots, believed to have undesirable and even appalling human character traits. 

Today, these extremely negative behaviours are normalised and commonly applied in the business operations of the everyday world, by financially rewarding people that act as predators. 

Thus, the current terrain requires that we open our mind to comprehend the most common concepts of Psychological Warfare, because all of us are being exposed to it every day. 

What are the Predator Minds scheming? 


The purpose is to manufacture as much fear as possible to create dread and terror in the minds of the people, so that they will avoid rising in groups and instead become weaker and disabled. 

To maintain this continual state of fear buried in life's many stressors, as well as perceived threats to survival, means activating the fight or flight reaction in the human nervous system and brain. Eventually this takes a serious toll on the overall health of the body and sanity of the mind, as it rapidly breaks down immunity, increases disease states and drives painful mental imbalances. 


When the opponent group targeted for attack is large, cooperative and unified in their forces, by separating them from one another or separating them into smaller units, the entire group is more easily defeated and controlled. 

When the separation into smaller units is successful, the attack is then on their common bonds of unity. Seeking to confuse them with fear and misinformation so they will not know which way to turn, what to expect or who to trust. 

In the stewardship of any project or organisation, this is a critical concept to understand. 


A process in psychological warfare with the objective to erode morale or dehumanise those perceived as the enemy. 

By intending to destroy their dignity and morale, it can encourage them to retreat, surrender, or defect rather than confront them or to defeat them in physical combat. Demoralisation and dehumanisation is most commonly implemented through various forms of fabricated propaganda to weaken people, while dehumanisation is commonly used by the satanic agenda to mock and defile human dignity or attack the spirit within the person. 


Those that have the most knowledge, intelligence and conscious awareness of what is really happening in world events will have the most strategic advantage. Those that do not have access to accurate awareness of events or truthful knowledge, but instead are manipulated and deceived to believe false impressions and illusions, will be at a greater disadvantage. 

Knowledge of the truth is power. Managing intelligence and controlling access to information includes supplying the perceived enemy or opponent with disinformation, in order to trick them into making the wrong decisions based on lies. 

In the current warfare climate diminishing easy access to open source knowledge and sharing of information freely within the global community, it is an important concept to understand. 


Constantly use greater strength in applying heavy forces that overwhelm your opponent by creating never-ending issues that are designed to wear him (her) down and erode his (her) will power and resiliency. 

Bureaucracies, impossible compliance, insurance, tax and legal channels that keep people bogged down in never-ending paperwork, long lists and cues, under the threat of intimidation, or threat to financial security or persecution. 

This is also carried out in legal forms as 'death by 1000 papercuts', through the increase of overwhelming problems and burdensome bills. When people's hopes are crushed and their expectations for their life are confused and burdened, eventually they become so drained they have no energy to refuse the constant attempts of subjugation and just give up. 

How many of these tactics of psychological warfare that are normalised in our everyday society can you recognise that are currently impacting the quality of your life? Knowing that these strategies are being implemented, what can you do to change how you approach the control structures and the employed people that blindly follow a boilerplate that unconsciously reinforce these divide and conquer schemes? 


Currently, the World Slavery system is used to parasitise soul energy but also to superimpose karmic exchanges on the masses, and is an important reason the Negative Alien Agenda fight so hard to retain their control and access over earth and the inhabitants. 

The humans controlled by the Negative Alien Agenda have Stockholm Syndrome, and have been dehumanised to such levels of fragmentation that they act like a feral animal cornered in a cage, defending their enslavement, not comprehending how they can exist any way else, but to be in the Mind Control matrix, enmeshed in a co-dependent Parasitism with these dark forces. 




Sunday 1 May 2022



The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of a democracy, but would basically be a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not even dream of escaping. 

It would essentially be a system of slavery where, through consumption and entertainment, the slaves would love their servitudes. 

Aldous Huxley. 1931

Braveheart. Provide The People With Freedom

There's a difference between us. You think the people of this country (world) exist to provide you with position. 

I think your position exists to provide the people with freedom. 

And I go to make sure that they have it. 

Sir William Wallace 

Braveheart (1994)