Monday 15 February 2021



The Devil At Large. Erica Jong on Henry Miller.

Henry Hero.

Most people are not free. Freedom, in fact, frightens them. They follow patterns set for them by their parents, enforced by society, by their fears of ‘they say’ and ‘what will they think?’ and a constant inner dialogue that weighs duty against desire and pronounces duty the winner.

‘Lives of quiet desperation’ Thoreau called such existence – though today’s version is noisy desperation. Occasionally, a visionary comes along who seems to have conquered the fears in himself (herself) and seems to have conquered the fears in himself (herself) and seems to live with bravado and courage. People are at once terrified of such a creature – and admiring. They are also envious.

One who has conquered human fears is recognized as a hero – or heroine. But such a figure inspires mixed emotions. We are provoked by their example, but we are also inclined to blame ourselves for having lived too timidly. So the hero or heroine is often attacked, even killed, because of the envy of ordinary mortals. But if we could see the hero (heroine) as embodying our own aspirations, we would not need to destroy but could rather emulate and learn.

Henry Miller was such a hero. He did not start out fearless but he learned to overcome his fears. And he wrote a book – Tropic of Cancer – that breathed fresh air into American – and world – literature. The fresh air he breathed was freedom. And it was like pure oxygen to those who would take it in. For the others, the fearful, the envious, those who refused to breathe, Miller had to be discredited as a pervert or a sex maniac because his message was too terrifying. Life is there for the taking, he said. And those who refused to live fully had to blame him for their own failure.

Like Byron, Pushkin, George Sand, and Colette, Miller became more than a writer. He became a protagonist and a prophet – the prophet of a new consciousness.

His writings and his life mingled to create a larger myth, a myth that embodies the human attraction toward freedom. Miller’s writing is full of imperfection, bombast, humbug. Sometimes its very slovenliness makes it hard to defend. But the purity of his example, his heart, his openness, makes him unique among American writers. He will surely, however, draw new generations of readers to him. At present, Miller’s reputation still hangs in the balance and even those who have written about him seem to disapprove of him.

Miller is in many ways a world unto himself. One searches in vain for a contemporary to compare him with. Tropic of Cancer burst forth into the world in the same year, 1934, that gave us F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Tender is the Night, Isak Dinesen’s Seven Gothic Tales, Robert Graves’s I, Claudius, Edna St Vincent Millay’s Wine from These Grapes and Langston Hughes’s The Ways of White Folks.

Not only is Miller’s characteristic style comparable to none of his contemporaries, but his spirit harks back to Whitman or Rabelais. In an age of cynicism, Miller remains the romantic, exemplifying the possibility of optimism in a fallen world, of happy poverty in a world that worships Lucre, of the sort of gaiety Yeats meant when he wrote of the Chinese sages in ‘Lapis Lazuli’, ‘their eyes, Their ancient, glittering eyes, are gay’.

I only knew Henry Miller in the last decade of his life. In a number of ways, he became my mentor.

I was a very young writer, very green and suddenly famous; he was a very old writer, seasoned in both fame and rejection, when we met – by letter – and became pen pals, then pals. I feel lucky to have known him, but in some sense I only got to know him well after his death. 

Miller was the most contradictory of characters: a mystic who was known for his sexual writings, a romantic who pretended to be a rake, an old-fashioned Victorian sexist who could nevertheless be enormously supportive and loving to women, an accused anti-Semite who loved and admired Jews and had no use at all for prejudice or political dogma. He was, above all, a writer of what the poet Karl Shapiro called ‘wisdom literature’. If we have trouble categorizing Miller’s ‘novels’ and consequently underrate them, it is because we judge them according to some unspoken notion of ‘the well-wrought novel.’ And Miller’s novels seem not wrought at all. In fact, they are rants – undisciplined and wild. But they are full of wisdom, and they have that ‘eternal and irrepressible freshness’ Ezra Pound called the mark of the true classic. 

In the profound shocks and upheavals of the twentieth century, from the trenches of World War l to Auschwitz to the holes in the ozone layer, we in the West have produced a great body of ‘wisdom literature’, as if we needed all the wisdom we could garner to bear what may be the last century of humans on earth. Solzhenitsyen, Primo Levi, Gunter Grass, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Simone de Beauvoir have all written predominantly wisdom literature. Even among some of our most interesting novelists – Saul Bellow, Natalia Ginzberg, Nadine Gordimer, Doris Lessing, Iris Murdoch, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Christina Stead, Gore Vidal, Kurt Vonnegut, Marguerite Yourcenar – the fictional form is often a cloack for philosophical truths about hte human race and where it is heading. The popularity of writers like Margaret Mead, Joseph Campbell, M.Scott Peck, and Robert Bly in our time also serves to show the great hunger for wisdom. We are, as Ursula LeGuin says, ‘dancing at the edge of the world,’ and it takes all our philosophy to bear it.

Henry Miller remains the most disturbing and misunderstood of prophets. Because even the STYLE of writing he discovered has become convention; it is hard today to grasp how electric his voice was in 1934. The feminist critique of the sixties came in to bury Henry under rhetoric-just as simplistic in its way as the simplistic rhetoric of male supremacy. But the feminist critique, valid as it is, neglects to address the main question Henry Miller poses: how does a writer raise a voice? How does a writer take the chaos of life and transform it into art? The raising of a voice is the red threat through chaos. The raising of a voice is the essence of freedom. It is where every writer, every person, must begin.

Can a woman writer learn anything from Henry Miller’s voice? Doesn’t his sexism invalidate his work? Shouldn’t we boycott his work because of its underlying politics? 

I don’t think so. Just as Shakespeare’s monarchism does not invalidate the beauty of his verse, Miller’s sexism does not annihilate his contribution to literature. Besides, if we proscribe all literature whose sexual politics we do not agree with, we shall have nothing left to read – not even the Bible, Homer, or the novels of Jane Austen (whose heroines are often happy to make conventional marriages). 

In fact, the freedom that Henry Miller discovered in finding his voice can inspire women writers as well as men. 

It is the voice of the outsider, the renegade, the underground prophet – and isn’t that, after all, what women still are? 

The problem of finding a voice is essential for all writers. It may be more fraught with external difficulties for women writers, because no one agrees what the proper voice of woman is – unless it is to keep silent – but it is still basically the same process of self-discovery. To define the self in a world that is hostile to the very notion of your selfhood is still every woman writer’s challenge. It was Henry Miller’s challenge too – for different reasons. In tracing his self-liberation, we can, by analogy, trace our own. 

I do not mean to minimize the differences between the male writer’s odyssey and the female writer’s. The pen, as so many feminist critics have shown, has been treated as analogous to the penis in our literary culture. This accounts for the trouble that feminists, myself included, have with Henry Miller. Henry liberates himself, becomes the vagabond, the clown, poet, but the open road he chooses has never really been open to women. Henry’s picaresque sexual odyssey was, for centuries, a male prerogative. Still, it is useful for writers of both sexes to trace the steps of his liberation. The freedom of Paris plust first-person bravado equals the voice twe have come to know as Herny Miller. 


'I have no money, no resources, no hopes. I am the happiest man alive. A year ago, six months ago, I thought that I was an artist. I no longer think about it, I AM. Everything that was literature has fallen from me. There are no more books to be written, thank God. 

This then? This is not a book. This is libel, slander, defamation of character. This is not a book, in the ordinary sense of the word. No, this is a prolonged insult, a gob of spit in the face of Art, a kick in the pants to God, Man, Destiny, Time, Love, Beauty.....I am going to sing for you, a little off key perhaps, but I will sing...'

Henry is retracing his steps as an artist here, telling us exactly what happened between his early, unsuccessful efforts at writing fiction, and Tropic of Cancer: he let go of literature. It reminds me of Colette’s advice to the young Georges Simenon: ‘Now go and take out the poetry.’ 

Good advice. A writer is born at the moment when his (her) true voice of authority merges at white heat with the subject he (she) was born to chronicle. Literature falls away and what remains is life – raw, pulsating life: ‘A gob of spit in the face of Art.’ 

For the truth is that every generation, every writer, must rediscover nature. Literary conventions tend to ossify over time, and what was once new becomes old. It takes a brave new voice to rediscover real life buried under decades of literary dust. In unburying himself, Henry unburied twentieth-century literature.

What was it about Paris in 1930 that enabled Henry Miller to find his voice? And what was it about New York that prevented it? 

The New York Henry left when he settled in Paris in March 1930 was nowhere as fraught as the New York of today, but it still bore certain similarities to it. In New York it was dishonour to be an unknown writer; in Paris one could write ecrivain on one’s passport and hold one’s head high. In Paris it was assumed (it still is) that an author had to have time, leisure, talk, solitude, stimulation. In New York it was, and still is, assumed that unless you fill up your time with appointments, you are a bum. More than that (and more important, particularly for Henry) was the American attitude toward the vagabond artist – an attitude that unfortunately persists to our day. ‘In Europe,’ as his friend the photographer Brassai says in his book on Henry Miller, ‘poverty is only bad luck, a minor unhappiness; in the United States, it represents a moral fault, a dishonour that society cannot pardon.’ 

To be a poor artist in America is thus doubly unforgivable. To be an artist in America is to be a criminal (its criminality only pardoned by writing bestsellers or selling one’s paintings at outrageous prices to rich collectors and thus feeding the obsolete war machine with tax blood). But to be poor AND an artist: this is un-American. 

Which of us has not felt this disapproval, this American rejection of the dreamer? ‘Poets have to dream,’ says Saul Bellow, ‘and dreaming in America is no cinch.’ 

In the last few years we have seen a dramatic replay of these attitudes in the debates over censorship and the National Endowment for the Arts. Our essential mistrust of dreamers leads us to cripple them with restrictions of all sorts. We seem not to understand that the basic riches of our country – wealth and emotional health – come from our creative spirit. Even with Japanese conglomerates buying our movie companies, even with statistics that prove our movies, music, television shows, and inventions are our biggest exports in real dollar terms, we still honour the money counters and money changers over the inventors and dreamers who give them something to count and change.

This is a deep-seated American obsession, and one whose historical genesis we must explore in retracing Henry Miller’s steps. It comes, of course, out of puritanism’s assumption that the dream life and imagination are suspect. And it results in a love-hate relationship with sexuality – a violent alternation between fascination and disgust which I call sexomania/sexophobia. We must understand how Henry was buffeted by these powerful forces and how he fled to Europe to be reborn. 

‘It was the scorn which ultimately Miller could not stand,’ says Brassai. ‘It was the scorn that he wanted to escape. Madness and suicide threatened him.’ 

‘Nowhere have I felt so degraded and humiliated as in America,’ Miller writes in Tropic of Capricorn. 

Miller’s life as a protagonist, as a mythic hero – or antihero – is intimately related to this struggle between Puritanism and the life of the dreamer. Henry made a religion of art (as did his disciples). In doing this he was following in the footsteps of Whitman, his model of the American writer. 

There are at least two Millers in the books and articles that have been written about Henry. One is the real, historical Henry Miller, born in 1891 in New York, died in 1980 in Los Angeles – a character full of contradictions. The other is Miller the mythic hero or antihero, whose hegira is emblematic of the hegira of the American artist. 

Constrained by Puritanism, provoked by a society in which dreaming is no cinch, Miller the anti hero creates a way for an American – or anyone – to be an artist, and in doing so makes a path for all of us. One is continually struck by the interplay between these two Millers, but my interest is principally in the Miller who leads the way for a creator – particularly a creator who comes from a culture where creativity itself is suspect. Since I long ago gave up the Ph.D programme for the life of a professional author, I approach Miller with a writer’s rather than a scholar’s point of view. Like many storytellers, Henry was an outrageous self-mythifier and critics have pointed out the disparities between ‘the truth’ of his life and the grandiosity of his fictions. He tells the same story differently on every occasion, they complain. 

My point of view is necessarily different. In tracing the steps of another writer, I have empathy for the creative process itself and an understanding of its difficulties. I EXPECT  a writer to ‘lie’ in order to get at a deeper truth. I take for granted that imaginative writing exaggerates and rearranges ‘facts’ in the name of a higher fiction. I also understand how hard it is to survive one’s own fame. 

Henry’s writing is often misunderstood precisely because of the ways it parallels – yet deviates from – his own life. Since he uses the name ‘Henry Miller’ for his fictive protagonists, readers are thrown even more astray. This is a fate I know well because it has also been my own. Though I have called my heroines by different names, the parallels between my life and the mythic lives I lead in my novels have often had the effect of leading my self-appointed judges to attack me personally. Henry was one of the first to see this parallel between our fates, and as a result was enormously kind to me. Curiously enough, it fell in part to Henry to rescue my first novel from the obscurity that might otherwise have claimed it. And since I believe in the universal law by which circles get completed, I find it not at all odd that it falls in part to me to puzzle out the many contradictions of his posthumous reputation. 

A large part of the problem Miller presents to the literary critic comes from his perception of the chaos of life and his passionate need to reflect that chaos in his books. Henry Miller is the poet of what Umberto Eco calls THE CHAOSMOS. When he writes, he is in touch with pure desire – the desire to be one with the primal flux of creation, the desire to be as creative as a god. 

“I like desire. In desiring things no one is wounded, deranged nor exploited. Creation is pure desire. One possesses nothing, one creates and lets go. One is beyond what he (she) does. One is no longer a slave. It’s an affair between oneself and God. When one is truly rendered naked everything is done without effort. There is no recompense – the effort, the deed itself suffices. Deed is desire and desire deed. A complete circle.” 

How to write a coherent book about such a primal force? It is not easy, as all Miller’s biographers attest. Clearly Henry Miller did not WANT to be the subject of a biography and he spread confusion even as he scattered clues. He knew he had told many tales that were not true and he was nervous that someone might catch him in his lies. A good example of Henry’s ambivalent relations to the truth is the way he hated his pal Brassai’s rather accurate portrayal of him in Grandeur Nature, a book not yet translated into English, perhaps because Henry despised it so. He felt he had adequately chronicled his own life in his books, and wherever there was some fictionalisation that did not correspond to the ‘facts’ (in which, anyway, he did not believe), he was more than happy to provide chronologies, interviews, conversations that elucidated the truth, HIS truth, for his rapt listeners. (Some of these ‘documents’ also contain plenty of fiction.) he was an artesian writer, so overflowing with stories and ideas that to this day he still defeats bibliographers and biographers. Whenever you think you have read all the essential Miller, another pamphlet, brochure, treasure trove of letters, watercolour or print turns up with more Henry, ever more Henry. He embodied in both his writing and his life the paradigm of the writer as the giver of gifts, the voyager into the underworld who comes back with a boon for humankind. 

Ironically, Henry Miller is best known for his worst writing – the boastful graphic sexual scenes in the Tropics, Quiet Days in Clichy, and Sexus. These finally interest me less than the transcendentalism of The Colussus of Maroussi, his spiritual travel book about Greece. For me Maroussi is his central work and it stands squarely in the American transcendental tradition. It has a kind of perfection and purity that you can find in books like Walden. And yet, paradoxically, without the scandal surrounding the ‘sexual’ writings, Miller would perhaps not be known at all. 

That Miller was a transcendentalist in the indigenous American tradition of Thoreau, Emerson, Dickinson, and Whitman he himself apparently knew. He referred to Whitman as an ancestor and influence. (He also regarded Maroussi as his best book). He was a mystic in the way of Thomas Merton and Lao-tzu, seeing in ordinary life the way into the extraordinary. Like many liberators who seek first to liberate themselves, he saw in sex one path of self-liberation-a way out of the body through the body. In this, he is not so different from Whitman or from Colette. 

He was always seeking ‘life more abundant’ as he says at the end of Colussus of Maroussi. Sex was one path toward abundance. Travel, another. Conversation, letter-writing, and painting were still others. He saw the world in terms of abundance rather than scarcity, and it often seems that this distinction is the most critical one of all where writers are concerned. Writers tend toward either free flow or toward agonised laconicism – Henry Miller being at one extreme and Samuel Beckett at the other. 

Henry Miller was as great a conversationalist as he was a writer. He was the primeval author, in the primeval cave, telling stories to keep the tribe awake and alive, safe from the sabre-toothed tigers outside. Like any shaman, he worked in a variety of forms: voice, watercolour, the photographs he posed for, the documentaries he conspired in. In many ways, he anticipates Cindy Sherman, Art Spiegel-man, and other postmodernist artists, using his own photographic or painted persona to create his own oeuvre. In other ways he is like Picasso, inventing and reinventing his wives and his muses in many of the different characters that appear in his books. All of them are Woman or Muse, just as Henry himself, the autobiographical protagonist who bears his name, is Everyman. To speak of him as the real historical Henry Miller is a mistake, for had he not elevated his life above mere autobiography and made it emblematic nobody would be interested in it but himself and perhaps a few enemies, relatives, friends. 

Because Henry Miller became his own protagonist, the appreciation of his work is further confused. Always, when a writer is transformed this way, it makes the assessment of the work more problematic, for some will inevitably see  him as a villain and in reaction others will plump for him as hero. We have seen both these responses to Miller in recent years and it is doubtful that either view has been accurate. 

This transformation is what all artists seek: to become like mythic heroes (heroines) – Prometheus, Achilles, Odysseus, Alcestis, Athena – so that we mortals can see our fates reflected in their journeys as we do in the journeys described in ancient myths. 

But Henry is not a hero to all. Many see him as a villain. His fate has not been so different from de Sade’s: either canonized by cultists or burned at the stake by puritans, either hailed by hippies seeing a hip father figure or dismissed by literary Anglophiles who would prefer that American literature consisted only of Henry James. 

Things are not so simple. Our apprehension of Miller, as of de Sade, implicates our entire apprehension of sexuality, our notions of sexual politics, as well as our notions of what constitutes literature. That is why he is such a pivotal and important figure. 

‘Life is that which flows..’ said one of Miller’s Paris roommates, Michael Fraenkel, in an essay about the composition of The Tropic of Cancer. The paradox for every creative artist is that life flows and art must stand still. But it must stand still like the hummingbird, as Miller would say. It must move and yet have form, because without form it is not graspable; without form it cannot be art. 

Miller’s art is always bursting the boundaries of form as we know it. It strains beyond the frame of the picture. This is partly its subject, and it also accounts for the difficulty a form-ridden commentator has with it.

Postmodernists have already discovered Miller as the artist of the future. But the artist who is ahead of his (her) time never has an easy job making a living IN his (her) time. Witness Vincent van Gogh. And Emily Dickinson. And Walt Whitman. Miller is an artist of similar protean and prophetic gifts. If he has to date received little literary consideration, it is because he cannot be formally categorized. But rather than seeing this as a fault – as many of his detractors do – I see it as his very subject matter. Henry’s ‘message’ was the message of all the Zen masters and mystics: that there is no stability, only flux. ‘The angel is my watermark!’ he writes in Black Spring. 

Henry Miller’s recent biographers try, willy-nilly, to fit him into pre-existing patterns; and when they fail, they blame HIM. But Henry’s very message is that life is formless, and that creativity partakes of the divine chaos. He struggles with this paradox in every book. 

Ironically, we live in an age when literary biography is more read than literature. Writers’ lives tend to have more commercial viability than their own books. In his most fertile time, Henry Miller could never have been published by a mainstream New York publisher, yet in his centennial year several vied to bring out books ABOUT him. I suspect that if Tropic of Cancer came upon us today, it would still have trouble finding a publisher despite our much vaunted (but essentially fake) ‘sexual revolution’. Yet Miller the protagonist continues to inspire books and films. 

What is it that we find in the lives of writers – particularly nonconformist writers – that thrills us, makes us identify? The story of a person inventing himself (herself)? The story of a person finding personal freedom in an age of corporate and totalitarian conformity? Has the myth of the nonconformist writer hitting the open road become a substitute for the initiatory ritual Robert Bly and others claim our society lacks? Why else do so many novels and movies about writers strike a resonant chord in readers who are not writers? 

Surely there is no more toilsome, self-flagellating profession than that of author. Ingrown toenails, Henry called us. Voltaire said, ‘The only reward to be expected for the cultivation of literature is contempt if one fails and hatred if one succeeds.’ But the average nonwriter seems to see in authorship a relaxing, hedonistic profession, affording ample time for travel, dalliance, and debauchery, an aristocratic profession carried out in dreamily scenic places, with lovely members of the opposite sex in attendance. The average nonwriter sees the writer as someone who has made ordinary life heroic. 

Contrary to popular myth, authors lead ‘a sort of life’ (the phrase is Graham Greene’s), imprisoned behind a desk. Painful solitude is required for the cultivation of literature, and even a bad book requires that one be good at cutting oneself off from other human beings in order to write it. A writer’s most ecstatic hours occur alone, yet the myth of hedonism persists. And the fact is that many writers ruin themselves trying to live up to it. Or maybe it is true that in a world where busy-ness and business drown out every spiritual pursuit, the writer’s solitude is the most envied pleasure of all. ‘A sort of life’ it may be, but vastly preferable to the kind of empty busy-ness that characterises most people’s lives. 

Miller was a happy man (for this he was and is also hated). He was generous and free of envy. Though he sometimes boasts of idleness in his books (as he boasts of lechery), he was in truth, never idle. He was such a scribomaniac that even when he lived in the same house as Lawrence Durrell they often exchanged letters. For most of his life, Henry wrote literally dozens of letters a day to people he could have easily engaged in conversation-and did. The writing process, in short, was essential. As it is all real writers, writing was life and breath to him. He put out words as a tree puts out leaves. 

So we come to the paradox of biography – especially the biography of a writer who amply chronicled his own life in many forms. (Biography is one of the new terrors of death’, said Dr. John Arbuthnot, the poet Alexander Pope’s friend. And in 1891, in his The Critic as Artist, Oscar Wilde wrote, ‘Every great man nowadays has his disciples, and it is always Judas who writes the autobiography.’) Who can chart the events in a person’s life with accuracy and without distortion? No one. Not even the person himself (herself). That is why biographies must be rewritten for every age, for every new wrinkle in the zeitgeist. That is why biography is essentially a collaborative art, the latest biographer collaborating with all those who wrote earlier. 

With a writer who has already mined his (her) own life in letters, in novels, in paintings, and in films, the biographical problem becomes even more vexing. Even the most seemingly autobiographical writer changes, heightens, and rearranges ‘fact’ to make his (her) fictions. It is naive to read his (her) stories literally, but it is equally unsatisfactory to read them as if they had no connection to his (her) life. 

I hope I can make peace with all these paradoxes by writing about Henry Miller in the same spirit that he first wrote to me in 1974 – with complete candour and no hidden agenda. It will not be the last word on Henry Miller, but the only people worth writing about are those about whom the last word cannot be said. 


The Devil at Large. Erica Jong on Henry Miller 



What are the differences between Mark Zuckerberg and me? 

I give private information on corporations to you for free, and I'm a villain. 

Zuckerberg gives your private information to corporations for money and he's Man of the Year. 

Julian Assange

"He has done no more than tell the world about military planning, military policies and the horrors of war in Afghanistan and Iraq and I think he deserves to be thanked." 

Jeremy Corbin

"This is one of the most significant documents of our time removing the fog of war and revealing the true nature of 21st century asymmetric warfare." 

Chelsea Manning

Sunday 24 January 2021

THE WAR FOR EARTH. Ascension + The Meaning of Life. Words by Ian Parks



Visitors from elsewhere who hold agendas that are detrimental to the evolution of humans. 

Disruptive groups of Extra Terrestrials that have and are visiting our planet, in hope of figuring out a way to disrupt your progression and manipulate you away from the true purpose for which you have come. (Your natural progression to Enlightenment. Ascension). 

Some of these disrupting groups of intruders are: 

1. Sirian Anunnaki

2. Dracos (Drakon and Human Hybrid) 

3. Zephelium (Administrators of Zeta)

4. Zeta Reticuli and Zeta Grey - Rigelianrutila (Zeta and Dracos Hybrid/Ebe)

Ebe: Extraterrestrial Biological Entity

In terms of your "alien" visitors, or extraterrestrials, we are referring specifically to those visitors who approach your reality from within the Time Portal System, that is, they are not interdimensional so much as they are inter-time, emanating from different time co-ordinates within your 3 Dimensional Interstellar System. 

There are seven cultures (world cultures and their various sub-cultures) within your 3 Dimensional time Portal System, who possess the knowledge and technology necessary to interact with Earth and approach your reality through the Time Mortals. 

Two of those cultures are primarily responsible for those visitations: 

The Zeta Reticuli (Intruders) and the Rhanthunkeana (Ranthia) (Guardians). 

Presently interacting with Earth through Illuminati, covert operations, physical abductions, "channelled" and telepathic subtle contact methods, are two competing "Intruder" visitor groups. 

Both presently work with competing factions of human Illuminati governments.

Both seek dominion of the Halls of Amenti Stargates and Human Subjugation. 

Group 1: Black Sun Agenda

1. Digressive Reptilian Drakonian and Hybrid races controlled via density - 4/Dimension - 10 Fallen Seraphim. 

2. Kurendara Nibiruian Orange - skinned 'Grays' Dracos - Zeta - Anunnaki Hybrids (Dracos); Drakon Orion Bipedal 'Dragons'; Omicron Drakonian - Fallen Seraphim Hybrids; Obedicron 'Beetle Insectoid' Andromeda Drakonian - Fallen Annu-Elohim Hybrids. 

3. Dracos - Reptilian Strain; Zeta Administrators.

4. Zephelium Blues; Zeta Gray Rigelian, Rutilia or 'E.B.E.' (Zeta-Dracos Hybrid). 

(Extraterrestrial Biological Entity) 

Group 2: Belial/Belil Sun Agenda  

1. Digressive Anunnaki and Hybrid Races controlled via Density - 4/Dimension - 11 Fallen Annu - Elohim. 

2. Human looking Pleiadian - Human - Nibiruian - Anunnaki Hybrid 'Blondes'; Nibiruian - Sirian Nephilim Anunnaki - Humans (Sirian Anunnaki); Adromite and Arcturian 'Dolphin People' and from Inner Earth, Necromiton 'Men in Black' Dracos - Anunnaki Hybrids and Digressive Rama Mixed Human Cloister Races running 'Space Brother' covert One-World-Order manipulations. 

Who are the intruder visitors and where do they come from? 

Visitors were called 'Angels' in ancient texts; today they are called 'ETs'. 

Angels and ETs are the same interdimensional, interstellar races. 

Visitors come from a variety of different matter density levels within the 15 - Dimensional Time Matrix. 

To understand the locations from which visitors emerge, it is necessary to understand the basic structure of the Universal Manifestation Template. 


The 'Freedom Teachings' of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald order (Mceo), Speaker: E'Asha Ashayana Arhayas. 

Voyagers 1

Voyagers 11

Millennium Round Up Expose. 

Angelic Realities. 

Ian Parks  

Monday 18 January 2021

THE WAR FOR EARTH. False New Age Movement. The Liberal/Conservative to the Libertarian. Words by Ian Parks



"All looked good until I saw that you are calling upon the power of Archangel Michael....You may wish to read the following about what Archangel Michael actually is. Then reassess who you are giving your energy to: 

The Anunnaki - dominated New Age "Pseudo - Ascension" spiritual movement (most of it inspired by the "Templar Melchizedek" False Ascension Teachings of Annunaki's Thoth, pre-Emerald Covenant Enoch, "Archangel Michael and friends,", "Jehovah", "Maitreya," "Lord Melchizedek and Spiritual Hierarchy," The Urantia, etc....) 
inherently promotes a fear-based paradigm of "Light, love and pretend away the darkness (Everything is alright)" dogma.

The Illuminati races within the infrastructure of the covertly, metaphysically motivated Illuminati World Management Team, who serve as Fallen Angelic puppets, are being 'played on' and manipulated by fear of personal survival and a desire for acquisition of power, to prevent pain, and create personal pleasure. 

These are the same motivations behind the actions of the "spiritual" peoples of traditional New Age affiliation, who think worshipping an ancient book, or surrendering personal power to an external 'God', 'ET', 'Angel' or 'Channel' is the ultimate expression of spiritual development and will "make everything all right."

Fear, the "pleasure-pain principle" and disinformation are the common control elements by which the Illuminati and humans become easily misled into surrendering their power to something outside of themselves. 

Once this "outside source" has your power, compliance with the approval of that source becomes, implicitly, the only way to feel empowered. 

Archangel Michael

One of the most prominent expressions of the Alpha - Omega - Centaurian - Adromi Anunnaki - Drakonian - Necromiton Collective refers to itself as the "Archangel Michael" Matrix, a bio-neurological mass mind control program, run via the Alpha - Mega collective, that is literally "broadcast into earth's airwaves to unsuspecting channels" from parallel earth through the NDCG (Niburian Diodic Crystal Grid). 

The largest false DNA Activation - "Ascension" program is conducted by the "Alpha - Omega Templar Melchizedek Anunnaki - Drakonian Alliance (Alpha - Omega Alliance) and several other related Fallen Angelic collectives following the Omicron - Drakonian - Zeta - Illuminati "One World Order" dominion agenda.

False 12-strand DNA Activation Programs are geared toward "monadic reversal" - reversing the fire letter sequences in the human DNA templates to create reverse sequence 11-strand activation in humans, so human DNA will assist the Fallen Angel Mission of gaining control of earth's planetary shields and stargates on a reverse-11 activation (34-ccw/21 Niburian Merkaba) during the 2000 - 2017 Stellar Activation Cycle. 

Competing False 12-strand Activation Programs are presently being run via unsuspecting New Age and UFO movement "Channels and Contactees", by Jehovian "Bipedal Dolphin People", Anunnaki (Sirius A, Arcturian, and "Galactic Federation") and Pleiadian - Nibirian (Anu - Seraphim Aquatic - Ape - Hominid) Anunnaki Drakonian Reptile Hybrid Races. 

Fallen Angel and Illuminati Human Leviathan Races use the seduction of false claims of "easy DNA Template Activation" and false promises of Ascension without providing the details of the MECHANICS by which these dynamics naturally take place. 

If we know the mechanics we can direct when they are being intentionally misused to orchestrate anti - Christiac dominion agendas. 

The tacts of false "quick-fix claims" and false promises are coupled with false "sweetness and patronization", in which our egos are fed as we are told "what we want to hear" and "how great and beloved we are", while being covertly "railroaded right under our own noses." 

If we do not "fall for" the age-old "quick fix" and "ego-pat" seductions, we can avert Fallen Angelic and Illuminati manipulation tactics, and learn how things really work, so we become empowered to set ourselves, and assist others to set themselves, free. 

We can "active our 12-strands of DNA", (24-48 strands for Indigos) but it takes work, a labour of Divine Love, and it requires Divine Sacred Science Knowledge.    

DNA Template and Kundalini Activation do not occur via "wishful thinking" or "hopeful intention", they are processes of natural Bio-spiritual Creation Physics, which occur via educated, conscious direction of energy and genuine spiritual wisdom. 

There is a natural Divine Right Order of Energy Mathematics that govern the manifestation of consciousness in biological form, the mechanics of this order must be understood and appropriately applied if one expects to attain genuine bio-spiritual mastery. 

Ian Parks  

(Working with the Al-Humbhra Magistracy Councils)

(Via A Facebook Page Commentary) 


Saturday 16 January 2021

Totalitarianism + Conformity. Adolf Hitler + Salvador Dali

The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. 

In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed. 

Adolf Hitler. Mein Kampf


Totalitarianism. Ronald Reagan + Noam Chomsky + Sacred Mists Online


You and I are told increasingly that we have to choose between a left or a right, but I would like to suggest that there is no such thing as a left or right. 

There is only an up or down - up to a man's (woman's) age-old dream; the ultimate in individual freedom consistent with law and order - or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism, and regardless of their sincerity, their humanitarian motives, those who would trade our freedom for security have embarked on this downward course. 

Ronald Reagan 

Friday 15 January 2021

David Icke: The State of The World 2020/2021

David Icke. Interviewed by Spiro Skouras. An Excerpt 

Spiro Skouras.

....."You recently found ways around your censorship. Would you mind touching briefly on how you successfully out-manoeuvered their censorship of you recently." 

David Icke 

"Well, you know, I've been saying for years in my...people keep saying "what can I do? There's nothing I can do." Are you kidding? All we did is when they deleted the second 'London Real' interview, is, we said, "look, pass it to five people, and then ask them to pass it to five people. And they pass it to five people. 

And Youtube, Facebook, Vimeo, none of these people are involved...but you can pass it on, and what's happened, is, this has gone so far out, and of course, we absolutely dropped the copyright idea. Get it on your own computer, download it, pass it around. No problem. And working outside of the Silicon Valley, Psychopathic Censorship, has got this video out to what is vastly more than would have seen it if it had just stayed on Youtube.....

They made a big mistake, and I'd like to make this point, you know. Some of us have been exposing this global web, this global cult for a long time, in my case, 30 years. 

And people have found it hard - and I completely understand it - to perceive that a few people can control the world. Well, a few people, within a few weeks, have put 3 billion people under house arrest in fact. So that's gone. Apart from the absolute Software Programmes, who have never had a free thought in their life, they could do, it's a choice, it's all you have to do, but they choose not to. 

But vast numbers of people have looked to the situation and thought, hang on a minute, a few people can dictate to everyone. 

And what's happened here, there is always a silver lining in every cloud, is that this has been going on under the radar, for, we know, a long, long time. And it's been under the radar, so it's been out of peoples, even peripheral vision. But I said years ago, one, this is going to have to get real bad, for enough people to see what is going on, and two, there is going to come a point when they can't stay under the radar. Because, if you are going to transform society, in the image that you want, there comes a point when you have to break the surface, and actually do it, in the realm of the seen, where people can see you. 

And symbolically, what this cult has done, has come out of the shadows, over this virus scam and the lockdowns, it's come out of the shadows, it's walked into the room, and it's heard the door click behind it. And that door now, is not opening again. And one person who's already feeling it is Bill Gates. 

Bill Gates, on the periphery, most people get on with their lives, unaware of him, manipulating his vaccine horrors around the world. But now, he's come into the room and the door's clicked behind him. And he's got gathering, gathering opposition of people becoming aware of the horrors that his vaccine programmes have created, in places like India and Africa. And they're also starting to realise, because people like us are putting it out there, that Bill Gates' money is everywhere, all over this virus thing and vaccines in general. How many people realise that the second biggest funder of the World Health Organisation, second only to the United States, is Bill Gates. He owns the place. This guy, Ted Ross, another one who doesn't have a thought in his head unless it's been put there, he was put there, simply, to power the Gates lie. So, who's been driving the policy, reacting to this alleged virus? The World Health Organisation. In other words, Bill Gates, who's just a gopher for people, deeper in The Cult. 

He's the one funding all these alleged vaccine studies and trials going on, to find a vaccine. He's saying, nothing can go back to normal, and lockdowns can't end, until, basically, everyone on the planet's been vaccinated with his vaccine. He's the guy, he's, I've just finished a book, which is coming out in a few months. 90 percent of the book was written before this kicked off, and everything that is in the book up to that point, the boxes are ticked in this Coronavirus thing. Including the fact that Gates wanted this mass vaccination. 

So what he's saying now, is that the lockdowns can't end, until everyone is vaccined. And what's going to be in the vaccine? Well, we've got a pretty good idea of what's meant to be in it, that's why they want everyone to have it. 

In the early part of the book, I've exposed how Gates and this organisation he completely funds, called Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, have developed what they call a Quantum Tattoo, a digital mark, that shows, to be read by technology, if you've been vaccinated or not. And this kicks off with the virus, and out comes Gates, this is what we need to show if you've been vaccinated or not and if you haven't been vaccinated, then, there's going to be limits on your movement. It's straight from the playlist of this Cult, whatever name you want to call it. 

But now, it's on public display. Because they can't hide it anymore. Because they're having to bring it in where we can see it. So this is, as the Chinese have word meaning danger and opportunity, this is a time of great danger, yes, it's also a time of great opportunity. Because a lot of people have become wise to the fact that the world's not like they thought it was as a result of this. And Bill Gates is not going to have an easy ride anymore, he's already finding that." 

Spiro Skouras

"There has been massive pushback, that I have seen, personally and all over social media and also dealing with people here in the real world. Bill Gates is probably the most hated person, most despised person I should say, in the world at this point. Due to this pushback. Due to this all being exposed by yourself and many other people out there who are doing this. 

I want to touch on a couple of points here. At the end of the day, you know, as you have correctly pointed out, it doesn't look like there is any real new significant threat to human life that justifies these global lockdowns, this new police state that we are living under right now, and you know, many people have gotten caught up in the debate of whether this is real or not or whether it's a hoax or a bio weapon, or 5G or something like that. Because at the end of the day, the end goal is still coming our way, regardless. Now, there has been major concerns brought up about 5G, and if we're not seeing a major increase in the deaths due to the virus or a bio-weapon, I guess the same would have to apply to 5G as well. Please clarify that. But what I have seen from my research, when you talk about this new Quantum Tattoo that is coming in, from what I've seen is this new paradigm coming, this new digital system and when you of Gavi, which was founded by Bill Gates with 750 million dollars seed money, which is part of the world vaccine alliance, which is partnered with all these United Nations organisations, they're also working on the ID 2020 Programme which is a digitalized ID for every man, woman and child, that falls under the UN 2030 Agenda. 

From what I can see coming out of this, as they're crashing the global economy, crashing the dollar system, the petro dollar system, out of the ashes of this will be born this new digitised currency, which is going to be the cherry on the top of this international surveillance, tying everything into that little tattoo that you said that they already have, that they have already been working on. 

So, the way I see it, it looks like 5G and Artificial Intelligence is basically going to be the operating system of this new paradigm that we are entering and thus would be, they would guard that very closely. Because AI (Artificial Intelligence) is already here, we can't really put that cat back in the bag as far as I understand, but they haven't fully implemented 5G to this point, so that could maybe be the chink in their armour, if people are able to try to slow it down in their communities, but at the same time, they're going to be beaming it down from satellites, so."

David Icke 

"There's another psychopath in Silicon Valley, well, you couldn't swing a cat in Silicon Valley to find a psychopath, if you're looking at the elite, not everyone who works there obviously, but if you're looking at the elite, and he plans to put 42000 satellites up, beaming stuff at the earth. And he's putting up loads and loads and loads all the time, through the Space X organisation. Even the ones he's put up already have the astronomy community saying we can't see the night sky like we could anymore, so he's already got permission for thousands and thousands...that's the whole idea. 

What I've been writing about, Spiro, for decades, is the development of what I have been calling for decades, the Technological Sub Reality. This is an electro magnetic bubble around the earth, to which we will be connected. See, I don't want to get deep and esoteric here, but we are consciousness and if we open our minds, we can access infinite levels of awareness. That's why some people can see things and some people can't. They're stuck in the five senses. 

The idea is, always has been, to isolate human perception in five sense reality. Now, they've done this through various means, psychological, perceptual awareness means, but the idea is to create, as they are, this is what the 5G satellites, all the poles of 5G are all about, is to create this cloud. Another psychopath in Silicon Valley....a google executive, talks about this cloud, to which, he says, the human brain will be connected via AI to the cloud. And the thing is, we talk about The Internet of Things, these cars, these fridges and everything is connected to the internet. Well, they want to connect the human brain to this internet as well. That's what they call The Internet of Everything. 

And this, in his own words, around 2030, and how often does that come up, that year, in many various guises, humans will start to be connected to AI, their brain to AI. And in his own words, as AI does more and more human thinking, human thinking will become less and less and so, in his words, virtually negligible. And the human mind will now be the AI mind. We will cease to be humans, as we perceive them, we then become, basically computer terminals on an AI Internet. And who controls AI, controls human thinking in everybody. 

That's the idea. 

And what this means, if you, what they are now calling the Smart Grid, what I've been calling the Technological Sub Reality, connected to everything and the human brain, that grid can then be controlled from a centre point.

And the world they want to create, are in the process of creating, unless we wake up fast, is, the way it plays out, this Fascism, Communism, yeah, but actually, what it is, is a form of tyranny, known as Technocracy. 

Because they want an end to elected politicians, elected politicians are becoming more and more irrelevant, as the Technocrats take over, I mean, look at Gates, he's a Technocrat, look at Musk, he's a Technocrat, all these other Youtube, they are Technocrats and they are taking control, step by step. So the idea here is that these Technocrats replace elected politicians, which is what Gates is doing. In terms of the global health situation. I mean, look at it! It's happening! It's not a projection, somewhere over the rainbow anymore, it's happening in front of our eyes, and this Technocracy will be able to be centrally controlled at a central point. As I said in my books, I think the central point is being designed to be Israel. With Israel, what people don't realise, it's pretty much second now, only to Silicon Valley. 

In terms of cyber control, cyber security, a massive...of cyber security, and these smart technologies. And people like Netanyahu, have openly bragged about it, so this is where we're headed. But to go there, you need dependency. You know, they've created this economic dependency, vast numbers of people, billions, worldwide, as a result of what they are doing. 

And when I say, this pandemic hoax has ticked every box, including one you've just mentioned, cash! 

What did Ted Ross come out and say? Gates' goafer? He's at the World Health Organisation, you might be able to get the virus off cash, if you use cash. 

And I've been travelling, since this thing kicked off, and I've offered cash to places where I always pay cash, and they've turned it down. You've got to use a credit card. Not only that, but a credit card that is hands free, not pushing in the buttons because you might catch the cash off the buttons. And we've got the company that runs the ATMs, the cash dispensers, saying that by the end of the summer as a result, of the virus pandemic, cash will be virtually over as a way of paying for things. So, everything ticks in the box, and how people, people in the alternative media, have been scammed into buying the narrative is just extraordinary." 

"It does appear to check all of these boxes and right as everything is ready to roll out and from what I have seen, based on the United Nations information, they helped to support a group called Fido which is the Fast Internet ID or Fast ID Online and all the big players are involved with that and this is, they're working on password lists and identifications and everything like this. And they've also established their plan to roll out 5G by 2020 right here and this was all the way back in 2012. This was according to the United Nations International Telecommunications Union which is overseeing the rollout of this 5G Programme, which is going to be running this Technocracy as you point out. And also the central banks that are all on board with these United Nations programmes just happen to have their own central bank digital currencies ready to roll out right now. These systems take years to develop. As they are rebuilding the entire global structure digitally, they just so happen to be ready to roll out right now. So, a lot of questions, this is the timing, it couldn't be more perfect for them. And as you pointed out earlier, Bill Gates was second only to the United States for funding the World Health Organisation. Trump just announced he was going to cut the funding for the WHO, so I guess that officially makes Bill the undisputed leader there of the United Nations". 

"He described himself, Spiro, Gates, in an interview in the last few days as a health expert. "We health experts". He peddles software! What is he doing running global health policy? And saying that people can't leave their homes or move around very much, unless they're vaccinated by his vaccines?! The arrogance of it! 

But, even Gates, even Musk, even all these other people, Wachowski at Youtube, Brendon Page at Google, etc, Zuckerberg and Sandberg at Facebook, they're still goafers. They are still frontmen and women. The real power is still, the REAL power, the real, I say, psychopathy - it doesn't cut it, not even close to what these people are. 

My definition of evil is the absence of love. And by that definition, these people are utterly, fricking evil. Because they don't care about the effect on other people. In fact, they get off on it, because they're psychopaths. 

So, in the shadows, people like Gates are having their strings pulled as well. I'm sure he's very willingly dancing to the strings, but the real power is in the hidden, still." 

"Do we know who sits at the top of the pyramid, David, ultimately?"

"Well, if you want to get deeper into it, Spiro, in the end it's not human. We live in a tiny band of frequency called visible light in the electro magnetic spectrum, which - according to mainstream science, the electro magnetic spectrum of which visible light is a tiny smear, the only frequency band we can see, what we call the world, is 0.005% of what exists in the Universe. Some say it's a bit more but not much. So we're actually operating in a TV channel but in the same space of the TV channel that we are aware of, exists, so do other realities. 

And I've been exposing now for 30 years, with more and more detail, that this Cult which is Satanic, it takes part in human sacrifice ritual, I mean you couldn't make this bloody stuff up, and it goes back a very long time, you know people talk about the ancients used to sacrifice people to the gods, and they think, oh yeah, well, that went on years ago. Well, there came a point where humans woke up enough to reject all that so it couldn't happen in the public arena anymore, but it's gone on happening behind the scenes. 

And these gods, which are described by ancient cultures all over the world, the Bible calls them Demons and Fallen Angels. The Gnostics call them Archons. The Zulus call them Chitahuri, Islam calls them Djinn. You look at how they are described and they are actually describing the same phenomenon. And it's this force that operates outside the human timeline which is the common theme through all of this period of control. So, people, they are born into this Cult, they die, they are born, they die, they come and they go. 

It occurred to me a long time ago, there's got to be a common theme here, there's got to be a common thread. Because this has very clearly gone through history, gathering more and more and more power at the centre until it is where it is now. It's this non human force. 

This non human force has a completely different level of understanding in terms of technology. So, what's happened is, is if this force knew what was technologically possible, had been introduced to say, stone age people, there would be no point. Stone age people can't work it. So what's happened is that over a long period of what we call time, humanity has been developed to become intellectually clever enough to operate this technology and to build it, but not in expansive consciousness, wise enough to see that that's what it is doing. 

And so, we've been moving towards this endgame for a very long time, this technological control system. And humans have been brought through and brought through and brought through to be able to create their own prison. Intellectually clever, no wisdom. 

So, this is how I read it. It's been in my books for years; 

David Icke 

(Youtube then banned the video.)