Saturday 19 February 2022

The Irish Origins of Civilization Volume l. Michael Tsarion


Thank you to outside source for original image. Temujin Digital Darkroom 

The Irish Origins of Civilization Volume l. Michael Tsarion 

The Servants of Truth 

(Druidic Traditions and Influence Explored) 

Far westward lies an isle of ancient fame, 
By nature blessed, and Scotia is her name: 
An island rich - exhaustless is her store
Of veiny silver and golden ore: 
Her verdant fields with milk and honey flow, 
Her woolly fleeces vie with virgin snow, 
Her waving furrows float with verdant corn, 
And Arms and Arts her envied sons (daughters) adorn


(Bishop of Fiesole. 802 AD) 

.....Nevertheless, let it be understood clearly and distinctly that freedom and truth will not visit the world while the hearts and minds of men (women) remain toxic, immoral, and enslaved. 

As I assert in my other works, there can be no hope of positive change in our world until the true origins of evil are reappraised and understood, and until men (women) take responsibility for their mutilated psychic condition. 

The problems that beset us today, both existentially and socially, have a date of birth. As I show in my work on Atlantis, we were not always beset by such chronic psychic and social problems. Historically speaking they are recent phenomena. They date to about 13,000 years ago and they do not have to persist. 

In fact, it is my belief that we are now in the final phase of the old paradigm. The time is coming when both the protagonists and the antagonists in the human drama will be compelled to face the legacy of the past and also the forces that enter their lives to restore balance. 

Although I covered some of the key events pertaining to the alien visitation, and subsequent infection of our perfumed planet by their presence, and although I did bring things up to the present 'Silicon Age', I stressed that it was not possible to cover the various exploits and machinations of the visitors throughout history. 

Space did not permit me to delineate the fascinating story of how the surviving Atlanteans and Lemurians (both descendants of the so-called 'Fallen Angels') toiled to establish new civilizations after incomprehensibly horrific cataclysms decimated their habitats. 

It is time now to address the new world that arose in the aftermath of the 'Age of Catastrophe.' 

In the present volume, several novel ideas that the reader should be aware of are presented. The first and most important argument concerns the West to East migration of the elements of civilization. This theory rests upon the understanding that there were, in prehistoric times, highly developed civilizations situated in the Western hemisphere. 

These civilizations were brought to an abrupt end approximately 13,000 years BC, by terrestrial upheavals of an unimaginable scale. The gnosis that had been accumulated by the advanced inhabitants of these hoary civilizations originated on the landmasses known today as Ireland, England, Scotland, and Wales. 

These countries were once part of Atlantis or, more specifically, of the great continent of Appalachia. From these locations the gnosis was eventually carried Eastward across land bridges into Europe and Asia. 

Secondly, we contend that the term Aryan has been most egregiously misused. We believe it referred not to race but caste. It was a term that simply distinguished spiritual and moral status. In our work, therefore, we use the term to refer to men (women) from any racial stock who had perfected themselves in schools of initiation and who were adepts of high order. 

We use the term fo identify the Irish Druids and their Mesolithic ancestors, the European Sami, the Phoenician and Median Magi, the Egyptian Disciples of Horus, the Mer, the Ibaru, and any other group of bards, poets, seers, prophets, hierophants, archimandrites, and architects of distinction. 

The term Aryan was erroneously accepted as a racial distinction after its discovery by the eighteenth century scholar and Chief Justice Sir William Jones of Calcutta. Jones discovered that the Hindus referred to their ancestors who appeared in Northern India and Pakistan during the seventh century BC, as the 'Arya.' 

He did not realize that the term signified SPIRITUAL qualities rather than racial, ethnic, or linguistic ones. As linguists adopt the term to signify a class of languages, so we adopt it in a purest context to represent those Elders of any racial background possessed of exalted minds and hearts. 

We are convinced that our rendition and interpretation will serve to clarify many historical anomalies and mysteries. 

When speaking of the racial origins or nature of the Mesolithic and Megalithic Irish, we prefer to use the more descriptive and accurate terms 'Nordic,' 'Gothic,' 'Caucasian,' and 'Indo-European.' 

Thank you to outside source for original image. Temujin Digital Darkroom

Thirdly, we reject the term 'Celtic.' and refuse to use it when describing the ancient inhabitants existing in Ireland before 600 BC. 

We tentatively accept that Britain was finally reached by people who have been called 'Goidelic' and 'Brythonic' Celts after 600 BC: groups that anthropologists and historians finally had to admit were merely fragments of the larger Indo-European race. 

Of these invasions have Tacitus, Caesar, and Pythias the Greek, written. Nevertheless, we prefer to deal with the pre-Celtic inhabitants and their antique civilization that had, in remote ages, spread Eastward into Europe and Asia. 

We leave the word 'Celtic' intact when quoting, confident that the reader will understand that it is a blanket term often used indiscriminately by authors referring to Ireland's exceptionally gifted inhabitants who are, more correctly, the 'Mesolithic' or even 'Megalithic' people: builders of the cyclopean temples of Ireland and the world that still stand as silent testaments to their august presence. 

The Celtic tribes of the Iron Age, believed to have entered Ireland after 600 BC, built their own civilizations upon the foundation of earlier ones they found there, which they reckoned had been erected by the 'gods.' 

"The Tuatha, G.W. Atkinson supposes, must be the highly intellectual race that imported into Ireland our Oghams, round towers, architecture, metal work, and, above all, the exquisite art which has come down to us in our wonderful illuminated Irish manuscripts. The polished Tuatha were certainly contrasted with the rude Celts. Arthur Clive declares that civilization came in with an earlier race than the Celts, and retired with their conquest by the latter." 

James Bonwick (Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions) 

"The Tuatha de Danann were the ancient inhabitants of Ireland who were forced to give way to the Gaels and to become the gods of Celtic imagination, the lords of the subterranean world. There is no doubt that the name Tuatha de Danann was given to the pre-Celtic inhabitants of Ireland and that it must have been they who built the megaliths. Their uncertain origins combined with their curious stone constructions give them a cloak of mystery....If the Celts drove out the megalithic peoples of Ireland, there is no reason why the same thing should not have happened on the continent, where much of the region occupied by the Celts still bears traces of megalithic monuments." 

Jean Markale (The Celts) 

The first authority to dispense with the term 'Celtic,' and the point out is spuriousness, was the great alternative historian and linguist Professor Laurence Austine Waddell. 

Strangely, although they probably were, and are, familiar with Professor Waddell's writings and theories, most historians (alternative and orthodox) have continued to employ the term 'Celtic' even when it is liable to engender and perpetuate misunderstandings. In our work we adhere to Professor Waddell's sound counsel regarding this unfortunate but widely used term. 

"....there is no evidence in the British Isles to suggest that a population group of any size migrated from the continent in the first millennium BC" 

Sir Barrington Windsor Cunliffe (Iron Age Britain) 

"No traditional or historical reference or record whatever exists of the migration of any people called 'Celts' into Early Britain." 

Professor L.A. Waddell (Phoenician Origins of the Britons, Scots and Anglo-Saxons)

" speak, as is so commonly done, of 'Celtic ancestry,' the 'Celtic temperament' and 'Celtic fire' amongst any section of the natives of these islands, is, according to anthropologists, merely imaginary!" 

Professor L.A. Waddell (Phoenician Origins of the Britons, Scots and Anglo-Saxons)

The term 'Celt' did not exist in the ancient languages of the Irish, Scots, or Welsh. There is only the Pictish Khaltis, most likely signifying invaders from France, Belgium, Germany, Galatia (Anatolia), and the Ukraine. 

The term 'Celt' (Keltoi) was first employed by the incompetent Greek historian Herodotus to describe Western Europeans such as the Irish, Scots and Gauls, etc. After his time other historians, such as Caesar and Strabo, continued to use this vague term to broadly denote any foreign tribe that Rome considered barbaric and antagonistic. Suggestively, however, Caesar, Tacitus, Hecataeus, Strabo, and Herodotus, never employed the term to describe the people of Britain. And this at least we find accurate. 

Possibly, they knew that these Celtic groups were, as their languages indicate, merely a branch of the Indo-European race that had inherited their language, customs, traditions, and religion from highly sophisticated ancestors whom most historians and anthropologists have been conspicuously reluctant to name or describe, and whose influence had spread to India, Egypt, China, and the Americas. 

It is only in relatively recent times that this ambiguous term 'Celtic' has been transposed to define the early Irish. By the nineteenth century its usage in this regard was common. Nevertheless, to use the term 'Celtic' to signify the racial quality of the ancient Irish is an utterly futile endeavor since the physiology, stature and pigmentation of these people is markedly DISSIMILAR from those Pictish, Gaelic, Slavic, Germanic, Alpine, Iberian, Mediterranean, ('Continental') Celtic types that, although related to Indo-European races, had probably crossed-bred with non-Caucasians throughout Europe and Asia. 

"In the composition of Celtic the old Indo-European predominates enormously. This is an established fact of great importance." 

M.R. Dobie (The Rise of the Celts) 

So we see that the ambiguous term 'Celtic' was introduced at a late date by Greeks and Romans. Then in the seventeenth century it was re-introduced by the Welsh antiquarian Edward Lhuyd (1660 - 1709), and by others of his sentimental disposition. We would prefer the term to be dropped universally when referring to the racial origins of the ancient Britons and Irish. The Irish were not 'Celtic.' They were CELTIZED by invading foreign powers; particularly those from Rome. 

Thank you to outside source for original image. Temujin Digital Darkroom 

"Did the islanders really call themselves Celts?......It is extremely doubtful whether the inhabitants of Ireland ever gave themselves a name of the kind." 

M.R. Dobie (The Rise of the Celts)

"However, there is one thing that the Romans, modern archaeologists and the Iron Age islanders themselves would all agree on: they were not Celts. This was an invention of the 18th century; the name was not used earlier. The idea came from the discovery around 1700 that the non-English island tongues relate to that of the ancient continental Gauls, who really were called Celts. This ancient continental ethnic label was applied to the wider family of languages. But 'Celtic' was soon extended to describe insular monuments, art, culture and peoples, ancient and modern: island 'Celtic' identity was born, like Britishness, in the 18th century." 

Dr. Simon James (The Peoples of Britain) 

"After its introduction by Edward Lluyd in 1707, the use of the word 'Celtic' as an umbrella term for the pre-Roman peoples of Britain gained considerable popularity in the nineteenth century, and remains in common usage. However its historical basis is now seen as dubious by many historians and archaelogists, and this usage has been called into question. 

Simon James, formerly of the British Museum....makes the point that the Romans never used the term 'Celtic' reference to the peoples of Britain and Ireland, and points out that the modern tem 'Celt' was coined as a useful umbrella term in the early 18th century to distinguish the non-English inhabitants of the archipelago when England united with Scotland in 1707 to create the Kingdom of Great Britain and the later union of Great Britain and Ireland as the United Kingdom in 1800. 

Nationalists in Scotland, Ireland and Wales looked for a way to differentiate themselves from England and assert their right to independence. James then argues that, despite the obvious linguistic connections, archaeology does not suggest a united Celtic culture and that the term is misleading, no more (or less) meaningful than 'Western'."

(Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia) 

"The so-called Celtic Question, than which no greater stumbling block in the way of clear thinking exists....there is practically today a complete unanimity of opinion among physical anthropologists that the term Celt, if used at all, belongs to the brachycephalic (round-headed) darkish population of the Alpine (Swiss) highlands....totally lacking in the British Isles. 

W.Z. Ripley (Races of Europe) 

"'Celt' is now a term that skeptics consider so corrupted in the archaeological and popular literature that it is worthless." 

Stephen Oppenheimer (The Origins of the British: A Genetic Detective Story 

The term 'Gaelic' (referring to later Celtic arrivals, the 'Goidels') is retained when quoting, and as a traditionally acceptable term for the language spoken in Ireland from a remote period, influenced by later visitors, and radically modified after the colonization of Romans, Anglo-Saxons, and Normans. 

We hesitate to use the term to designate the primordial inhabitants of Ireland. The Gaels, or Goidels, were another branch of the Celtic groups from Europe who allegedly crossed to Ireland around the fourth, fifth, or sixth centuries BC (depending on which officially posited theory one believes). 

These Goidels were known by the Irish mythographers as the 'Milesians' or 'Children of Mil.' They were descendants of the Scythian 'Celts' who had visited Egypt and returned to their Western homelands after the reign of Pharaoh Akhenaton. Among their number was Scota, the daughter of the Atonist pharaoh and his consort Nefertiti. 

In his fine book DAWN OF CIVILIZATION, Egyptologist Sir G. Maspero expressed a great historical question that we seek, in our present text, to address and solve. He asked:

"What were the people by whom it (Egyptian Civilization) was developed, the country whence they came, the Race to which they belonged, is today unknown." 

The solution to this age-old problem involves a critical look at the information that has been supplied to us concerning the origin, migration, and dispersion of the elements of civilization. It involves a reappraisal of Post-Diluvian history and of the roles played, not only by the empires of Asia Minor and Egypt, but also by those of Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England. 

This work will show the reader how important the ancient lands, known poetically as LOGRES and ALBION, were to the future of the world. 

In this text, we will show that the civilizing role of these lands has been deliberately obscured due to a pernicious age-long campaign of knowledge suppression and mass-murder. 

The auction of a whole civilization, the finest known, and the extermination of the Druids, are two of many subjects that are brought into the limelight in these volumes. 

It is for this reason that this author first chose, in his previous book, to deal with Atlantis and Lemuria, since it was from there that the story of the ancestors of the Gaels and Celts began. If we are to seek out the origins of the Arthurian legends and of the Welsh, Irish and Scottish myths, it is to lost Atlantis and Lemuria that we are to look. 

And if we are to seek out reasons as to why the true story of these places and peoples has not hitherto been revealed, we need to begin with the contingents who dominate and rule mankind (humankind) from behind the obvious thrones of religion and politics. 

As I revealed in my first book, these ruthless agencies also happen to have their origins in the ancient past. They are either the biological or ideological descendants of the sorcerers of Atlantis. 

In our test we wish to accomplish three main things. We wish to explore, as much as may be possible, the evidence for the West to East migration of the elements of civilization. However, since it is illogical to suppose that any single volume can hope to furnish complete proof of this thesis, we offer our work as an introductory overview to stimulate interest with the reminder that it is merely a progress report on a great study that needs the proverbial jump-start. 

This great thesis was first explored at the turn of the last century by Anna Wilkes and Conor Mac Dari and then, later, by the great Comyns Beaumont. Since Beaumont's time interest has lapsed and we know its controversiality to be the reason for this.

We specifically address the Irish origins of civilization and begin at least to nullify many of the counter-arguments that deem the elements of civilization to be of Greek, Roman, and Jewish origin. 

The IRISH ORIGINS OF CIVILIZATION have been obscured and we find ourselves duly interested in the nature and agenda of the obscurers. Their contentious work had to be for a reason and we suppose they have not confined their work of obscuration to this one area alone. 

Moreover, as we will show, the millennia-old knowledge possessed and used to good effect by the ancient Druids and their ancestors was appropriated by those with no legitimate claim to it. It has been used as a weapon against humanity. The wielders of the weapon of occult knowledge will be revealed and their executive branch finally exposed before the world.

We strongly believe and advocate that it is quite impossible for good men (women) to ever triumph over the malign (and originally alien) Establishment that controls humankind without a thorough working knowledge of the way in which it operates to achieve success. If we are to defeat the world's merciless and tyrannical hierarchs we must, like detectives, be thoroughly conversant with their modus operandi and, like hounds on a trail, must be familiar with their scent, so to speak. 

Our adversary is both a mutilator and a scavenger. It is a virus within the ailing body politic. It is a cunning alien force that has infected humankind with its own anti-human nature. it is within us as much as it is out there in our world. We are either of its kind, and under its power, or we are its sworn opponents. 

In light of this, my inquiry is not for everyone. it has been composed for the new generation of OPPOSERS, imbued with an ardent and unvanquishable SPIRIT OF REBELLION. It is a manifesto for those who will in their time witness the demise of evil and the ruin of its agents. It is not for those who cannot comprehend the severity of the infamy in their world or who lack the SPIRIT OF CONTRADICTION. 

It is not this author's intention to provide weaponry to those without inherent systemic strength, will, and passion. 

My message is intended for those readers who do understand that the domestic, social, and economic worlds they live in and labor to perpetuate, like the political parties voted for, have been created by powerful and sophisticated unseen forces that have, age after age, placed men, women, and children upon the dark altars of sacrifice as offerings to their vile perfidious gods. 

Like Edgar Allen Poe's nightmarish pendulum, the blades of the tyrannical ritual-murderers are now as I write descending toward the neck of humanity for the last time. Time is short but, though it may at first seem meager comfort, let us remember that if and when lightening strikes in a shadow-haunted landscape, we get to see everything with incredible lucidity. For such incendiary instant nothing is hidden from the eye. 

May this work provide such a flash in the dark. May it illumine the workings of the ingenious machinery of evil that pulverises truth, freedom, and virtue, and beneath which the once radiant, truth-intoxicated souls of men (women) now lie prostrate. 

Y Gwir Erbyn Y Byd (Truth Against The World) = Druidic Motto 

Thank you to outside source for original image. Temujin Digital Darkroom 

Chapter 1

Man's Irrefutable Errors

"The Irish are one of the most ancient nations that I know of a this end of the world, and are from as mighty a race as the world has ever brought forth."

Edward Spenser (writer, and British Governmental Official in Ireland, AD 1596) 

In this volume we seek to present, in as erudite a manner as possible, the case for the IRISH ORIGINS OF CIVILIZATION. 

We have been driven to publicly present the fruits of our lifelong inquiry into this subject partly because we wish to correctly frame our efforts at historical revisionism. Our revisionism exists so that men (women) might discover what has been hidden from them regarding history and religion. 

Only with correct knowledge of the past can men (women) build a sane world fit to live in. The man (woman) living his (her) life in confusion, impotency, and fear, is the man (woman) expertly trained to forget where he (she) has come from. From his (her) precarious pedestal his (her) vision of the world is skewed and limited and his (her) fall into the void prevented only by externally provided stabilizers. Such a man (woman) remains existentially weak, like a fragile sapling in danger of breaking in a light breeze let alone in a mighty storm. 

Alternatively, the strong man (woman) has a sense of where he (she) has come from. He (She) stands upon his own feet and from a stable pedestal views both past and future with clear fearless eyes. He (She) does not prevaricte when it comes to questions of justice. He (She) hastens to challenge those who would strangle him (her) in webs of ignorance and works relentlessly to expose the criminality of those who have in ages past massacred his (her) ancestors, and presently threaten his (her) hard won physical and mental freedom. 

The strong man (woman) knows his (her) job is to build well upon the solid foundations laid by his (her) ancestors. He (She) wages perpetual war against those who attempt to burn down those foundations. 

Serving the will of his (her) ancestors is the strong man's (woman's) passion. The weak man (woman), on the other hand, meekly heeds the commands of deceivers bent upon using ancient occult knowledge to physically and spiritually undermine his (her) brothers and sisters in the world. The strong undefeatable man (woman) knows his (her) enemies and how to correctly deal with them. He (She) has studied their nature and the knowledge they perversely use as a weapon against him (her) and all humanity. 

"The simple minded will believe anything; but the wise looketh well into everything he (she) does." 

Proverbs 14:15

Our revisionist work is certainly controversial, and we acknowledge the resistance our inquiries will face. Fortunately, the disbelief and consternation of those unsettled by our revelations mean nothing to us. We are not motivated by the lure of awards, flowers, and speeches. 

We are in dread earnest in our opposition to despots who, on a daily basis, clearly demonstrate their contempt for truth, freedom, and justice. 

We stand against the tyrannous architects of the 'New World Order' rising from the ashes of an old order humanity is not meant to know existed. We oppose this new inhuman Atonist order without fear or fright, and pity its makers for THEIR psychosis and spiritual vacuity. Their days of infamy and oppression are coming to an end and it only remains for us to dig deep the graves into which they will inevitably crash, along with their treachery and megalomania. 

To such work we are temperamentally well suited. 

Certainly, we are not in opposition to religion as it is practised by the sincere independent devotee. We do not seek to intrude into that space reserved for private worship. But we do stand opposed to the INSTITUTIONS that have inserted themselves and their mythology between the individual and his (her) creator. 

We do not intend to offer any disclaimer and dedicate ourselves passionately to our free thought and analysis of the phantasmagorias placed before us by the institutions of the world.

Our attitude is best expressed by the German historian Max Muller who, in 1878, wrote: 

"A comparison of all the religions of the world, in which none can claim a privileged position, will no doubt seem to many dangerous and reprehensible....But this I will say, that, as far as my humble judgment goes, it does not entail the loss of anything that is essential to true religion, and that, if we strike the balance honestly, the gain is immeasurably greater than the loss....All truth is safe, and nothing else is safe; and he (she) who keeps back the truth, or withholds it from men (women) either a coward or a criminal, or both."  

The Science of Religion 

What are civilizations made of? How do they come about? Are the foundations of our civilization strong or weak? Are these questions meaningful to modern men and women? Perhaps they are, and perhaps not. 

In any case, when we examine the deep foundations of civilization, we discover something fascinating. We discover that our ancestors had based their lives upon instruction taken from the heavens above their heads. 

The night sky was the veritable altar of ancestral man (woman). All that occurred in it was reverently observed, recorded, and contemplated. Was this superstition or something else? And what could have prompted such devotion? Who first developed the idea to look up to the starry sky for instruction? Who first decided to map the rotating paths of the sun and moon and to demarcate the zodiac's twelve signs? And was this exercise a misguided waste of time and energy, or did it matter? Have human civilizations been founded and guided alright by those whose heads were well and truly 'in the clouds?' 

Research into these questions and into 'heavenly' matters reveals the zodiac to be a very mysterious and important phenomenon. It was referred to as the celestial mystery school for good reason since, strange as it may seem at first, the zodiac mirrors consciousness. 

The men (women) who looked up into the night sky were really looking into themselves. The gnosis of the heavens is the gnosis of the soul. Civilizations erected upon zodiacal principles are erected upon the infinite ancestral reservoir of knowledge within man's (woman's) own being. There are no stronger foundations. As the Hermetic motto states: AS ABOVE, SO BELOW. 

Our present understanding of the zodiac is far from that of the ancient magi. The keepers of the mysteries of the heavens knew the zodiac to be a PROJECTION of the human unconscious and not merely an external phenomenon. There was nothing contained in the heavens and zodiac that did not dwell within the mind of man (woman). There was nothing in nature that was not part of man (woman). Nature was not seen as a having a separate or distinct life. Its life was man's (woman's) life. Man's (woman's) life was nature's life. Man (Woman) and nature are one, and there is no separating the two. This is the sum of the lost knowledge of the ancients. 

The first people in recorded history to study the operations of the heavens and zodiac, and to understand the strange but intimate connections between physical and psychic energy, were the Druids from the 'Fortunate' or 'Blessed Isles.' From these Elders the arcane archive of knowledge was surreptitiously appropriated by their enemies, the servants of darkness, whose biological and ideological descendants now rule the world. Despite coming under their vile blood-soaked hands it has not perished. It took birth in an age before our own in places lost to history and time, but not to memory. 

The Gnosis is luminous and invincible. It is capable of enlightening those who approach with reverence and destroying those who refuse to do so. 

Civilizations that lose their foundations fall as surely as men (women) without souls. Such is the law of life. Man (Woman) can learn this law, and adapt to it, or he (she) can ignore it. His (Her) choice determines his (her) future. As the American philosopher Ayn Rand said: "Man is free to choose not to be conscious, but not free to escape the penalty of unconsciousness: destruction." 

Most historians accept that Egypt was a cradle of civilization, and that many cultural idioms and traditions come from there. What has yet to be understood, however, is the manner in which Egypt inherited its cultural elements from the lands of the North-West. This fact is not known today because of the threat it poses to Rome and London, the Vatican and Crown, and to all those who have profited from the suppression of knowledge. 

After all, what is the subject of history? it is the study of the past, certainly. But it is also the study of man (woman). It is the attempt by men (women) to find out who they are by analyzing and reviewing what they have been. Even though scientific methodologies have a role within the subject of history, history is not science. Most importantly, students of history can easily be misled. A lot of problems and errors can come about when men (women) attempt to study men (women). Moreover, the subject itself may be deliberately manipulated and skewed so that little is truly known. 

Paradoxically, it takes time to erase the fallacies that men (women) entertain about the past. The proof for what we say is evident to those who have taken the time to think about history and what has been taught to them about the world of the ancestors.

The subject of history is less than 200 years old. In that time men (women) have convinced themselves of the following suppositions, some of which have been regarded as irrefutable truths. 

1. There were no advanced pre-diluvian civilizations. 

2. Early man (woman) was primitive, rude, and malevolent. 

3. The Mesolithic and Megalithic sites throughout the world were constructed by unrelated races.

4. The ambassadors of civilization were Greeks, Romans, and Jews. 

5. The various elements of civilization were brought by the 'Chosen People' from East to West.

6. The Jews were uniquely distinguished. They possessed a naturally religious and moral disposition and were truly a god-inspired 'chosen people'. 

7. The Jews were slaves in Egypt and hard-pressed to preserve their unique identity and beliefs. 

8. Egyptian religion and culture had no effect on Jewish beliefs and lifestyle. 

9. The Hebrew language has no connection to the Egyptian.

10. Monotheism was essentially a Jewish phenomenon. 

11. The Israelites were not given to idolatry. 

12. The bible provides accurate accounts of historical occurrences. 

13. The Jews were Semites. 

14. Christianity is of Roman invention. 

15. Race mattered to the ancients. 

16. The word ARYAN denoted race. 

Happily, these preposterous fallacies are FINALLY being revised. Constantine the Great (who was proclaimed emperor in Britain, in the year 306 AD) and his bishops would have been very aware of the pagan myths and legends of the British Isles. 

Since the city of Rome is perfectly geomantically aligned with the sun-door of Newgrange tumulus in Ireland, we can confidently conclude that they would have known about the antiquity of Ireland and about Druidic traditions and teachings. 

Therefore, we must begin to realize just how supremely important it was for those Atonist sorcerers from Alexandria, Constantinople, Rome, Burgundy and London, to plot the destruction of the original Druidic colleges in Ireland and throughout the ancient world. 

Michael Tsarion

Friday 18 February 2022

The Female Illuminati. Michael Tsarion


The Female Illuminati. The Sisterhood of Death Exposed. Michael Tsarion 

(Transcription from Truth Warrior. 2015)

......Any work that I am doing now, is absolutely a carry on of what I have done before. It's not really breaking any traditions, it's not really turning any U turns or anything like that. 

I looked at the whole Goddess Tradition thing in a programme I've done before on the Divination Programme and the whole Goddess Tradition, in which we looked at the whole role that women play in civilization, and deeply on the esoteric side, we look at that. 

Also, we looked at the crimes that have been perpetrated against women. Anything I am doing on the Female Illuminati, people need to be aware of it. I am no misogynist who just happens to be hacking away because I've got nothing better to do on the criminal history of Womankind. This is a very serious academic work, that draws on the books and writings of the greatest feminists, and the greatest female psychologists and so on. 

And also, in my work, I have written and presented many programmes on the positive aspect of the role of females in civilization in general. 

But as I moved forward in time, from the 'Atlantis' book, what I've done is honed in - like I've done with 'Trees of Life' for instance, that two volume work, on trying to focus on the more cardinal Secret Society ideology and symbology. Because all through my work, it's been a dilution, distillation, I should say, of this etymology and the symbolism. Getting deeper and deeper and deeper. You start with one thing. Then you perfect it and go further and further, and so the Female Illuminati is nothing more than a carry on, on that journey, into the symbolism and into the etymologies, wherever that road may lead, and like in 'Trees of Life', that was a specific work which honed in on some specific, very important, occult symbols that the Elite are particularly fond of. And that other people may not even know, are that important. 

So, this was a master work. Almost 700 colour pictures, incredible research in that book, and then after that was written, then the process carries on again. So, the Female Illuminati is, again, going down, looking deeper and deeper into the various symbolisms. And the etymologies in the esoteric tradition, to again, tease out more of this occult. 

For instance, why did the Merovingians really have long hair? Why do they worship the skull? You get deeper and deeper into the Masonic symbolism, their genes, their serpent, one could go on, on that very matter. Why is America symbolised by a statue of Liberty, which is female, why do the presidents sit in an oval office, which is female, all of this kind of thing. 

Moving, just taking stuff that I dealt with, in the 'Atlantis' book and then continuing to tease and find out what is really going on. And then, what happened was that the core of the 'Atlantis' book was of course this phenomena in prehistoric times of the Nephilim, you know, the Fallen Angels, coming to this planet, interfering with us on so many levels, genetic, which is one thing that happened. They cause us, the human consciousness to be fragmented. There were actually about four or five things that contributed to this, but one kind of selfhood, one kind of consciousness was destroyed and that's what we dealt with in the 'Atlantis' book of how that happened, who perpetrated it and so on, and I was using terms in it like the 'Nephilim' and you know, 'The Sons of the Serpent' and all of this kind of thing. And the 'Tree of Life' figured very heavily in that research. 

And as did the ancient texts that speak of this very thing, because this is not an invention of Michael Tsarion, you know, there have been great scholars who have looked at this before, especially the matter of the cataclysm, and they have also looked into the whole matter of 'off world' beings, living on this planet, or interfering with us in certain ways and...but what had happened was they had never never spoken of, what kind of consequence that kind of visitation may have had on consciousness itself. 

This was...only broached by one author, whom I have mentioned in my book called Jack Barranger, he was the only one. And I know Jack. And we've talked about this. And his book launched this for me. 'Past Shock'. A small book, but a key book for me, because it did address, briefly, this concept of what might have happened to the psyche of man (humankind). 

He (She) wasn't sitting in some armchair when this whole hullabaloo was taking place, he (she) was absolutely, mentally and emotionally destroyed.

And so, then that was the start-off point. But central to that came the different texts. The different legends of the ancient peoples, the native American people and other, they also speak of this. Sometimes, they do it in a more cryptic way, others do it more clearly, but then you move onto even Biblical scriptures, scriptures that are accepted by modern scholars from...for instance, the Book of Enoch, the apocryphal works, but you can even turn to the Bible itself. Genesis 6 which mentions the coming of these beings and so on. 

That was then, I noticed this in the 'Atlantis' book, that in the famous descriptions, of the coming of the Nephilim, they're not really specific or not on whether those Nephilim were male or female. They just sort of hinted that they were all male. Like Lucifer and what have you and his coterie. But other works, for instance, what about the presence of Lilith and these kinds of characters and then when you turn to the Sumerian prototypes, this is where things start getting really interesting. 

All of the Biblical, all of the stuff of the early creations that you read in the Bible, and the coming of the Nephilim and all of this interference that they're talking about and the presence of Lucifer and the presence of Lilith and the Tree of Life. All of that is so much more unpacked. In the proto-typical Babylonian-Sumerian stories, but they are including a bevy of women! Indicating that the gods were not just male, they were androgenous, and also there was women, bona fide women...not only trying to assist mankind (humankind), but also trying to deceive mankind (humankind). And all sorts of other tricks. 

So then you start to say, well okay, what do we get, then maybe this Nephilim were maybe bi-sexual, or they had males and females. Then you look to the Book of Enoch and something came up that I thought was even more order to investigate it at that point, when I was doing the 'Atlantis' book, it would take me off to millions and millions, all these diversions, with millions of other questions, and I just didn't want to do that. This was going to be my first book and there were so many interesting things, I am still getting emails today from people, saying, hey Michael, what about this and what about that, and I say, yeah, I know, I have my thoughts on that. I wanted to include it in the 'Atlantis' book but that would have just completely not been correct at that time. I needed to lay this down, that concentrated the readers attention on things that have happened on this earth and had to forgo, talking in speculative terms. 

Michael Tsarion

The Freedom Teachings of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order. Words by Marietta


The Freedom Teachings aka: The Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order Teachings. The Eieyani and the CDT Plates 

Marietta (Discussion in 'Comparative Studies' started by Marietta, November 10, 2006)

Interfaith Forums

(Authors: A'sha-yana & A'zar-tanya Deane Ekr's, MCEO) 

The ancient MCEO (Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order) perspectives teach of the Inner Christos, or living God-spirit alive within all things, including the natural environment.

"Inner Christos" philosophies are built upon the understanding of what is referred to as the "Law of One". Inner Christos Law of One perspective respectfully acknowledges the inter-connection, interdependence and intrinsic value of all components of reality in recognition that the Living Consciousness "God-Spirit" or "Inner Christos" is the tangible substance of consciousness and energy from and of which all things manifest are composed. 

Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order teachings offer people an opportunity for advancing personal empowerment through genuine spiritual development regardless of their religious affiliation. 

The "Inner Christos" of the "Law of One" Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order spiritual teachings belongs to everyone of every creed, not just those who choose to call themselves "Christians". 

The word "Christos" (from which the world "Christian" later emerged) was originally spelled "Kristos" in the most ancient texts, and referred to the personal Divine Blueprint of Conscious Living God-Spirit energy of which all things and being manifest are made.

The spiritual service work and teachings of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order are more than perspectives based upon speculation regarding a variety of unrelated but interesting spiritual and scientific subjects. The work for which Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order and its Speakers stand represents a very ancient, advanced Paradigm of Perspective on the nature of reality. 

The Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order paradigm is inclusive of the other scientific and spiritual belief systems on Earth, but extends beyond the limitations and often incongruent and conflicting assumptions commonly associated with them. Through familiarity with the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order teachings one can grow to recognize the commonality and intrinsic complementary association between the most empowering contemporary belief systems and the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order perspective. 

At the center of contemporary Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order teaching programs lies an "Ancient Mystery" known as the "CDT-Plates" ("Cloister-Dora-Teura Plates")

The books and course programs produced by the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order are not speculative nor theoretical in nature, but are rather derived from factual textbooks. Contemporary Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order teaching programs contain English language translations of materials already existing within a very ancient set of texts called the Maharata Texts (indirectly related to the Indian "Mahabharata" writings).

The 560 books of the ancient Maharata Texts are the original translations of an even older set of ancient records that have survived to our present time, stored on a set of 12 digital holographic recorder discs called the "Cloister-Dora-Teura Plates" or "CDT-Plates", that were manufactured in 246,000 BC. 

The Cloister-Dora-Teura Plates and Maharata Texts have been translated into written form numerous times in our ancient history, in many different countries and languages. 

The Cloister-Dora-Teura Plates are real, physical objects, that have been kept in the private, protective custody of a specific family line of "Indigo Children" on Earth since the 9558 BC 'fall of Atlantis'. 

This family line is called the Eieyani, who refer to themselves as the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO) Priests of Ur; another branch of the Eieyani family call themselves the MCEO "Priests of MUa ("MU"). 

The word "priest" originally meant "guardian" or "steward and administrator of spiritual wisdom". Both males and females in stewardship to spiritual wisdom and administering this wisdom to others, are referred to as "Priests" or "Ministers". 

The MCEO has always been, and will always be, an egalitarian, non hierarchical, non-gender-biased spiritual service collective. There are small collectives of Eieyani descendants alive, well and living on Earth now, in various global regions, who hold the knowledge (and relics like the CDT-Plates) of pre-ancient Earth and its civilizations. 

SIMILAR to some more advanced sects of Tibetan Monks, especially those who rarely emerge from their "hide outs" in the Himalayas, certain members of the Eieyani family line have OPEN CONTACT AND DIRECT COMMUNICATION with living civilizations from "other" places and OTHER TIMES. Every once in a while within humanity's evolution, the Eieyani are permitted to bring back the ancient teachings in their pure form, allowing for the records of the 12 CDT-Plates an Maharata Texts original translations to be re-translated into the languages of the time. The Eieyani return the knowledge contained in the CDT-Plate records to public view when it is most needed to assist Earth populations, at times when major planetary events are due to transpire. 

The last time WRITTEN CDT-Plate translations took place was during the "Christ period" of 12 BC - 27 AD, among a group of Essenes of Eieyani descent. Most of these written records were rapidly destroyed, confiscated or intentionally altered by the corrupt political power elite of the times, as so often has happened historically with CDT-Plate written translations. Since 27 AD the Eieyani Priests knew that the next CDT-Plate Translation Cycle was scheduled to occur just prior to and during the 2000-2017 AD period; a period in time when great changes in the evolutionary path of all Earth species were destined to unfold. During the 2000 - 2017 AD period, permission for written CDT-Plate translation was to be authorized by the Eieyani Priests. 

CDT-Plate Translation occurs when the Eieyani Priests carefully select several individuals in childhood from general family lines that they know to be descendant from the Eieyani. They make private contact with the child, providing years of discreet training as needed. when it is time for the CDT-Plate Translation Cycle to begin, the Eieyani then offer 3 official MCEO Eieyani speakers contracts to 3 of their chosen trainees that have entered adulthood (the individual is under no obligation to accept a "Speakers" appointment.)

Speakers Contracts are publication endorsements for CDT-Plate and Maharata Text translations. Once skilled in translation, Speakers are then endorsed by the MCEO Eieyani Priests to publicly publish MCEO CDT-Plate translations and related information as provided by the Eieyani Priests. During many historical periods, written translation of the CDT-Plates was forbidden, to protect the Eieyani Speakers, and prevent Planetary Templar knowledge from being confiscated and abused by corrupt political powers; at these times only VERBAL PRESENTATION of the knowledge was permitted, thus translators were called "Speakers". 

To protect the integrity and quality of CDT-Plate translations, and to ensure the safe keeping of the 12 CDT-Plates, there are only three Speaker Contract appointments given during any one translation cycle. When translation publication time arrives, the three Speakers are eventually guided by the Eieyani Priests to find each other and work together, each endorsing the validity of the others' work. In the present CDT-Plate Translation Cycle the Speaker-1 Contract was finalized and initiated in 1999, and the Speaker 2 and 3 Contracts were finalized an initiated in 2001. 

Eieyani Speakers know the MCEO perspective as their truth; they share this truth with others, freely when possible, OUT OF LOVE FOR HUMANITY AND GRATITUDE for the personal freedom in BEING that the MCEO teachings enable one to achieve. The Speakers "job" is "to give the gift" of this knowledge, through DYNAMICS OF EQUAL AND RECIPROCAL ENERGY EXCHANGE, to those who seek to know it and demonstrate through action and attitude the sincerity of this intention. The truths of which the Speakers teach are universal, and freely belong to anyone who is capable of translating this knowledge from the Universal Unified Field. The CDT-Plates and MCEO Speakers provide a Sacred Service in that translation of the higher aspects of Unified Field knowledge is exceedingly difficult from the manifest fields of creation, and requires much intensive training and innate abilities of consciousness and biology. 

The CDT-Plates serve to hold the highest aspects of Universal Knowledge in more accessible form; CDT-Plate Speakers are trained to translate this knowledge into forms directly accessible to general populations. Speakers have no need to "convince" anyone of anything, nor are they obligated to bear the burden of proof or self-justification. The burden of "Proof" lies always with the beholder, as within the natural dynamics of the Universal Law of Reciprocity and the intrinsic processes of Creation Physics, one must "know" a thing to BE before one can "see" it manifest. Speakers "Live what they Love", "Practice what they Preach" and respectfully "Share what they have to Give" with others who feel inclined to listen with reciprocal respect. MCEO Eieyani Speakers "Speak their Truth", while always respecting the free will right of others to have a different opinion. 

The Eieyani Priests of UR and MU'a of Kauai, Hawaii, the 12 CDT-Plates and their ancient Maharata Text original translations, are the tangible source from which all true contemporary MCEO work emerges. Several families of Eieyani Priests in various geographical areas presently hold the 12 CDT-Plates, 560 Maharata Text Books and related relics from pre-Atlantean times under high security protection. 

The MCEO Inner Christos Law of One teachings, Templar Sciences knowledge and Pre-Ancient History records of the CDT-Plate teachings represent an intrinsically congruent paradigm of universal understanding; collectively the MCEO teachings are referred to as the Emerald Covenant Freedom Teachings (TM).

Once upon a time, long before Atlantis, these teachings were the "common knowledge" of a once enlightened, joy-filled, peaceful, love-based global civilization of "Angelic Human" beings. Fragmented remnants of these once-unified "Founders" MCEO spiritual-science teachings, which have been historically edited and altered repeatedly to serve dogmatic control agendas, have literally provided the ancient foundations upon which all of our traditional world religions, evolving sciences and "New Age" spirituality are built. 

The Emerald Covenant Freedom Teachings (TM) of the MCEO, originally provided 950 billion years ago by the Universal Founders races from which our universal life field evolved, are the enduring legacy, divine birthright and intrinsic heritage of all beings in this universe. Presently, they serve also as the Long-forgotten Promise of Love, Freedom, Unity, Peace and Victory to the many races and species of Earth. 

Love and Light, Marietta

Extra Information From The Forum

Marietta: There is nothing private about the teachings. This information is very factual to those who have awakened to memories of this material, which is held in our DNA and/or cellular memory. 

There is nothing new about this material. It comes from very ancient texts and it is the science upon which all of creation is based. All religions come from these teachings. 

There were twelve Root Races created, that later became known as The Twelve Tribes of Israel. Each of these Root Races were given a portion of The Universal Laws. These laws were divided up until a time when, hopefully mankind (humankind) would come to a point of maturity, where nobody would use these laws as a means of control. 

If The Twelve Tribes had learned their interconnectedness and learned to love one another, without prejudice, they would have come to a point where they would have shared their portions of The Universal Laws, giving them the power of omnipresence, omnipotence and omni presence, with the power to move at will through all the dimensions of this Time Matrix at will. They would have been given the power to manifest anything they desired into their reality. 

However, the lower frequency of bigotry, greed and status has taken reign instead, which puts mankind (humankind) in a deep state of sleep and forgetfulness. Those beings called the Fallen Angels in many of the religious texts have dominated mankind (humankind), taking their free will away for ages now. We are coming to the close of the last chapter in this particular time cycle, and mankind (humankind) is once again being given the opportunity to wake up fully to who they are and their true Divine nature. 

The beings who are bringing these teachings back are what are called the Indigos, and are here to hold the frequency of the planet in balance, as we move through some troubling times as the earth tries to purge itself of all the negativity that is upon it. 

Question to Marietta

"If this knowledge belongs to everyone then why do so few know it?" 

Marietta: I'll answer the first question with a question: How many people know about string theory? Most have never heard of it and even fewer had heard of it before it was introduced into the educational system. Our Sun is dying, but has it been made known to the masses? No, and it won't, until things start getting pretty evident with solar flares. 

It has been known for several decades that there are 12 planets in our solar system, but only this year did the ruling elite decide to let the general public in on this tit bit of information. You can purchase the books "Voyagers l and Voyagers ll, and find this information can be found in them (published back in 1998). Zecharia Sitchin wrote about the 12th planet years ago. 

This knowledge is known to so few because it has just recently been returned to us. Those who have found a way to this knowledge are Azurites and Indigos who have incarnated into this existence as guardians of this knowledge and frequency holders for the planet. This knowledge is being made available to all who seek it. 

These plates are well known to the ruling forces. They have been the quest of the leaders for many eons. Due to the nature of the content of the CDT plates, if they were in the wrong hands, they could be used as a tool to enslave and bring destruction to the human race (due to the content and frequency they hold). Also, not just anybody can read them as they are coded to a person's DNA template, thus the person has to hold the "key codes" in their DNA to be able to read and translate these plates. 

The average Archaeologist doesn't talk about them because they are not aware of them. They are not something that lay buried in the ground. 

You ask why there isn't a buzz about it and again I will answer with a question: Are you familiar with HAARP? Or "The Philadelphia Experiment?" or with "Trauma Based Mind Control? Or Project Blue Bird, or MJTWELVE (the list goes on and on). The majority has never heard of any of these programs but that doesn't negate their existence. Google any one of them and you will find a lot on them. The things that are behind the real nature of our reality will never be made known through the public media or public school system, which are governed by the ruling elite. 

Humanity will always bicker over their religious beliefs, no matter what new material is presented to them. If I were to appear in front of you out of thin air and this went against your religious beliefs, you would say that I had done this with the help of demons or Satan. Religious beliefs are held deep within the heart of people and not something they will let go of unless they begin searching deep into the foundations of their own religion, SEEKING the truth within them, on their own, and in their own timing when they are ready to see and hear the answers. 

"SEEK AND YOU SHALL FIND". When we are in a religion we 'believe' what we are taught and think we already know, therefore we don't SEEK and we DON'T FIND and when someone shares a new insight with us, we think the demons are trying to trick us and we run from what is being revealed to us. Only those who are seeking this information will find it and those who are happy where they are in their religious life, will remain. 

How many people are aware of the beings that were living deep in a crevice of the rocks in the Himalayan Mountains? This was printed on the front cover of "TIME" magazine (not to be confused with Time Life magazine), with an article inside the magazine back in the '80s. However, it was hushed up soon after the discovery. Some of these people were hundreds of years old, and there were animals, thought to be myth, and other extinct ones found there. A man living among this group wrote a book "The Children of the Law of One and the Lost Continent of Atlantis" which I stumbled upon some ten years after reading the article in TIME magazine. I immediately remembered the article I had read in TIME magazine, which was titled "Shangri-La Found." These people were driven out of their homeland and their library destroyed. How many people followed this tiny article through, and found the book written by this group? 

I suggest you do a search and find out who owns and controls every syndicated publication, radio and TV station, and you will answer your own question as to why this is not publicized. 

The CDT plates are being revealed as we speak. There are three books written so far and many, many cds and DVDs, addressing these issues. There are workshops made available to get anyone who wishes to attend. We are doing our best to get this information out to the public but it takes time and manpower. At preset we have people attending our workshops from just about every country on the planet. We had a workshop that was held in Peru, back in May with 130 people attending from at least 13 countries that I knew could count among the people I personally knew. This information is being given throughout the world at present and all are welcome, no matter what your background may be. 

All your questions are answered in full in the Voyagers books written by Ashayana Deanne, and can be purchased at

Lastly, yes, the Illuminati is controlled by the FA (Fallen Angelics). 

Love and Light, Marietta 

Ur Priesthood. Lisa Renee. Ascension Glossary 

Ur Priesthood

A group from the universal Melchizedek lineages incarnate on Tara (5th dimensional earth). Part of the guardian races on Tara, they work with the morphogenetic fields and were involved in attempts to stablise the fields after the explosion on Tara caused the fall to 3rd dimensional earth. They were able to create the Sphere of Amenti to prevent the loss of many souls in the cataclysm. 

These priests were responsible for the planning and reseeding of 3D earth. They agreed to come to this realm to the lowest dimensional space here, and rehabilitate this 3D earth in order to make it habitable again and in order to start the re-assembly of all that had been exploded.

With their intricate knowledge of the cataclysm and inter-dimensional spaces, they lived within the inner 3D Earth for a few hundred thousand years to prepare the outer dimensional earth for seeding. They created blueprints, archetypes and assisted the surface of the planet to become habitable. They seeded the earth in a plan to re-assemble the 12 strand DNA and reclaim the original divinity of humans as it had once existed, prior to all the events that transpired. 

Lisa Renee 2013